I have a customer that wants his board solid color painted top and bottom! EPS, Epoxy , spackled!! I usually do clear boards hav’nt really messed with color!!
I have done a bunch of test panels and the color he wants is the Krylon seaweed green. I like the look of the panel painted completely stringer and all and the customer also,it just makes the stringer a darker green! Anyway I have read some posts from way back on painting stringer but no updates as to delams crystalizintg ect. when using the krylon! does anyone have some feedback ? My panels show good results but just wondering about long term and real use testing? Would lightly sanding the stringer help after painting to remove extra paint build up?
Epoxy doesn’t crystalized like polyester resin can over a painted stringer.
Epoxy doesn’t crystalize PERIOD. Some confuse froth in the glass job that didn’t disperse or the weave of the cloth showing over darker color as crystalization.
You can paint the stringer. I do it all the time and never had a problem.
Though Iv’e never used Krylon H2O, I can’t see why it would be a problem.
Thanks atomized that’s what my tests show! I pulled some glass off my test panels and no problems. RR stuck really well to everything so I see no problems to continue!
The last epoxy board I did I used the Krylon seaweed green and painted it solid top and botton. Make sure to shake the can often as it will not come out as clean as using a spraygun (I used the cans). FYI, I liked the color until I painted the board. Ugliest board I have ever had, it works good though. I pull it out of the bag and run across the beach.