Krylon H2O spray paint

Saw this stuff at the local Ace hardware today. Anybody tried it? Says it’s safe for styrofoam – latex based …

Might be worth a shot. Lotsa colors available too.

yep it works, very easy spray right out of the can, safe for EPS.

as latex is a plastic though I question whether it will affect the bond between epoxy and foam.

Benny has used it quite a bit on his boards, I’m sure it will come up if you search it.

using Krylon H2O as a seach term and whole phrase returned: Your search for “Krylon H2O” returned 31 results

hope this helps

This past December I found it on the shelf at my local Sears paint dept, picked up a can of red and a can of blue.

My number 6 was my first and so far only experience with color on a board. Krylon H2O on the foam (Bennett PU) with a Posca pen border on the hotcoat to hide a very slight foam bleed; Acrylic spray coated deck

Used Krylon H2O paint over this homemade EPS blank. The colors turned out OK. Let it dry for a couple of days but still got a little crystalization on the red (may have been too thick).