new found respect for laird today – the waves here were kinda crummy so i took my 12’6" bark paddle surfboard out. this time i took a 5 and a half foot canoe paddle with me – holy cow is it difficult to stand and paddle – not sure how that guy does it, but i def have respect for it – i did sit and paddle which as fun, but standing, now that is hard – the fun part though was that it was fun – water was warm and empty – i definitely looked pretty stupid trying to stand and paddle but really didn’t care –
next take out a 7 foot paddle and really stand…up…The next dimension is laying at your feet and if POPS AH CHOY can do it what’s wrong with the rest of us?and then how bout an overhead …hawaiian wave with no one arround…but a couple friendly spirits not slinging promo photo equiptment …can you hear the spirits cheering you onward? othrwise you may end up buying an albanian epoxy signature paddle with the latest worlds greatest’s photo signature in gold leaf…i can sometimes hear the spirits…ambrose…do spirits bark?could canoes birth a sufboard ?
would the spirits sing as we leaped from the canoe with only the whisper of the wake harmonizing?..the jet pump drowns the fine higher harmonies we may neve hear because of the oppression of petro chemical fixation’s strangle hold on our evolution…feel the glide as we enter the birth canal
Jeez Ambrose, I’m reading this and suddenly Izzy comes on the radio singing "Over the Rainbow…
I just saw Les Paul play in NYC and he played “Over The Rainbow”…
Tim’s board is fairly impressive. He may not have had much luck standing up and paddling, but he was moving fast and smooth when he was sitting. Very cool.
Tim, all that talk, I went back to the house and grabbed the Nuuhiwa, the wind kind of died, the surf got cleaner (still small), and I had a blast for about an hour. Turned out to be well worth it.
the spirits are all here sitting and standing making running comments to our every action bra da Iz,an leroy and chuck an that guy in the litho way far in the back that whatsisname didnt draw that good that was paddling the 12’sinker with a paddle next to the guy on the inflated whale shark bladder ,that guy was really out there everybody said so but he could really go fast at that one spot …what did they call it?.that guy is at dale’s house…ambrose…Im afraid to turn the radio on now …i might be spike jones…or tennesee ernie ford.,…I can imagine uncle George Keleohe singing Alii poi or was that Wai Ulu? sing it again george
– holy cow is it difficult to stand and paddle – not sure how that guy does it, but i def have respect for it –
Now do 1000 crunches a day for the rest of your life…
crunch smunch try full body elongated twistd and enguaged pull …no comparrison to the debilitating compression callusthetic excersise disease afflicting all my back problem brothers in social traction…next dimension revolutionaries ,eyes:open///ambrose…try it on a lake first…then rest
at your feet and if POPS AH CHOY can do it… i can sometimes hear the spirits…only the whisper of the wake harmonizing…the fine higher harmonies we may never hear because of the oppression…strangle hold on our evolution…feel the glide as we enter the birth canal…bra da Iz,an leroy and chuck an that guy in the litho way far in the back …it might be spike jones…or tennesee ernie ford…imagine uncle George Keleohe singing Alii poi or was that Wai Ulu? sing it again george…next dimension revolutionaries ,eyes:open
I stand corrected.
crunch smunch ,eyes:open///ambrose…try it on a lake first…then rest
Metaphorically speaking of course.