Lam cloth bottom and deck

Hello everyone i have a ? out of all the videos ive seen which i think are alot i havent seen the process after lam the bottom do you sand the bottom b4 lamming the top? or lam deck after lam bottom then sand both, im new as you could hear so i could use some knowledge…Thanks …

after laminating the bottom, you will sand the laps flush than lam the top, sand the laps flush. hot coat the bottom, hot coat the top, install probox if your using them, sand board, enjoy the ride.

Although some guys hotcoat the deck first since it is the last side to be glassed and is already facing up on the rack.

Can u sand the lam its don’t dry hard i’m not saying you can’t just asking im new to just finshed my 2nd and on my 3rd now

I use a Popsicle stick to push my lap in. But yes you can sand laps it will just gum up your paper faster

Thanks for the info