lamination Bumps

hi there, 

 just after abit of expert advice. had the resin kick too quick on me this arfternoon. managed to get the cloth all laminated to the board but didnt have engough time to get rid of the excess resin. this is my 30th board and i usually have no issues with laminating.

my question is,  in the photo attached would it be easier to try and sand the lumps flat now?, or should i just hot coat and try and use that to level it out? 


this board is for a customer so trying to get the best finsh on it 


thanks alot 

The risk of doing it now is that due to the gumminess of the lam resin sanding marks may show.  There’s a process you can go thru to get rid of them, but no guarantee.  I think what I would do is to brush sanding resin along the rail just where the bumps are and then sand just that area.  Then hot coat the rest of the board and sand.  Also if you do it now sanding may affect the consistency of the color along the rail.

Baste the rails with lam resin and kick it quick. hotcoat deck and bottom…sand. you will likely hit weave…so plan on doing a finish coat/gloss. but with the rail baste and hotcoat then sand…you should not really sand through the color bumps which you would see.