When lap grinding or sanding does anyone here know hoe to combat sand paper granuals from sticking to the lap? I think it is good to brush on a little hot coat resin on the bottom lap. Then sand or grind, then do the bottom hot coat. But in JC’s Glassing 101 they didn’t mention that. What up?
No, I use a pair of old broken sureform blades.The curved one is my favorite.Also I use very nobby body files,and 36 grit sand paper on a block sometimes.Herb.
I had the same problems. I kept tearing out chunks of foam and dirtying up the lap when trying to get the bottom lap flat prior to laminating the top deck. Now what i do is just be ultra anal after the laminating the bottom and just keep sqeegeeing the resin drops until the thing has kicked. I’ve gotten pretty good at it and usally end up with just a few hard beads i cut of with a razor knife. If you have paint on the top deck you gotta be perfect because you’ll tear you paint job to shreads sanding. Just hang out a few more minutes and keep sqeegeeing all the down dripping resin until it stops. - Alaska
Use white 80 grit, if the little bits come off you can’t see 'em(clear boards only of course).