Lapping Around Curves

I’ve shaped and glassed about a dozen boards so far and have yet to get a glass job that is really good. The biggest problem has been getting the laps around curves smoothly (without folding on the other side), and after sanding I’m left with eventual air bubbles on the opposite sides of the cloth layers. On the last couple boards I’ve cut release points to try and create breaking points to discourage these folds. They’ve been better, but I’m now left areas that are overlapping and they still are visible when the board is finished. Part of the problem is that I’m using colored resins and I think they magnify the problems. I’m thinking about cutting angled breaking points. Is this a good idea? I’d appreciate any help. Thanks.

I’ve shaped and glassed about a dozen boards so far and have yet to get a > glass job that is really good. The biggest problem has been getting the > laps around curves smoothly (without folding on the other side), and after > sanding I’m left with eventual air bubbles on the opposite sides of the > cloth layers. On the last couple boards I’ve cut release points to try and > create breaking points to discourage these folds. They’ve been better, but > I’m now left areas that are overlapping and they still are visible when > the board is finished. Part of the problem is that I’m using colored > resins and I think they magnify the problems. I’m thinking about cutting > angled breaking points. Is this a good idea? I’d appreciate any help. > Thanks. I wouldn’t make the extra cuts,they will show.Start from the middle and work toward the end…slowly start angling the glass back toward center…when you get about six inches from the end go ahead and flip it then go back and get the rest.This is probably one of the hardest things to master without someone holding your hand…once you see it it will become clear.There is a ton of stuff in the archives on this…wish I could help more. R. Brucker