
ok so my dad and i glassed the bottom of my bonzer this past weekend. bottom looks real go but part of the problem was i sued my shaping rack whoich is too wide to glass oncuz it goes to the rails so my laps got fncked up, i let his hang over so they were better. anyway so i have ziga zag laps and he accidentally dragged the resing ppoast the tape onto the deck. with the deck what shoul i do it’s not really protruding butit covers foam. and zig zag laps, will they disapear?

ok so my dad and i glassed the bottom of my bonzer this past weekend. bottom looks real go but part of the problem was i sued my shaping rack whoich is too wide to glass oncuz it goes to the rails so my laps got fncked up, i let his hang over so they were better. anyway so i have ziga zag laps and he accidentally dragged the resing ppoast the tape onto the deck. with the deck what shoul i do it's not really protruding butit covers foam. and zig zag laps, will they disapear?

I’d like to help you, but I just can’t read this. Please edit all the typos & make it readable.

Not bustin’ your balls, just your post is exceptionally incomprehensible.

i’ll take a crack at it…

my dad and i glassed the bottom of my bonzer this past weekend. the bottom looks good, but i used my shaping racks which are too wide to glass on. the racks extend all the way across the board out to the rails, and they got in the way when i tried to tuck the laps. my father glassed one side while i did the other. i let his end hang over the end of the racks so he could tuck his rails properly and they came out okay. on my side, the racks got in the way and some of the laps didn’t get tucked under. so now i have zig-zag laps on my side, and on my father’s side he accidentally dragged the resin over the tape line onto the deck. what should i do about the deck? doesn’t extend out very far, but it did hit the foam. and what about my zig-zag laps?..will they disapear?

  1. zig-zag laps: if your resin is clear, the lap line should disappear for the most part. just grind down the edge of the laps and glass the deck as usual. if it’s tinted, patch the areas where the laps didn’t make it all the way to your cut line. in the future, build yourself a set of glassing racks…they aren’t that intricate. if you can’t do that for whatever reason, turn your shaping racks 90-degrees so they won’t get in the way.

  2. resin on the deck: just sand it away.

you got it soulstice. the racks are set at an angle so it craddles the board when i shape, they can’t be set so they fall on one line. any way thank you i will proof read before i post.