Does anyone know of Larry Mayo shaper in the orlando, Fl area. He had a website that is now down and i am trying to get a hold of him, Wheres greg loehr, you know it all man!

I’m sure you can get the # from Directoy asststance. Don’t know what happened to his site, but the shop is alive and well. I drive past it everyday! Go in fairly often, he makes beautiful boards. I’ll try to get the # next time.

thanks my man ill try to look it up in the meantime now that i have at least a street name.

Gaucho, where on edgewater would the shop be located, between what two cross roads, im coming from UCF…

Mayo’s shop is just a few minutes’ walking distance from my house. It’s on the corner of Edgewater and Winter Park St. across from Moe’s. If you’re on I-4, get off at Princeton, going west and turn right on Edgewater.

Sweet boards and they ride as good as they look!

He wouldn’t sell a beginning shaper a set of FCS plugs though, hah!,6903,1140756,00.html