I had this blank for a while but was intimitated by the triple stringer, having never shaped one. After Clark closed, some people told me to sell the blank for a profit. However, I decied to shape it as a tribute to my grandfather who died last June. While I was in California for my granfather’s funeral, Dale Velzy’s cousin took me to Velzy’s shop to pick up one of the last balsa surfboards that Velzy made, which was the inspiration for the fin. Also in California, I watched Ralph Parker, of Hobie and Velzy fame, shape a sixties style longboard. Ralph also gave me some tips on how to shape a old school longboard. The fin, which is made from koa and jatoba, took a while to make. I never made one before and I learned a ton. The board is 9’6" x 22.75" x 3" with a rolled bottom an 50/50 rails and glassed with volan cloth.
?Is that just the volan or is there a splash of green in the lam…either way board looks sick!
This is precisely what I first thought when I saw the photos. In fact, I have been waiting all day for someone to ask that question. I mean, it looks VERY green to be volan alone.
You did that blank justice and I’m sure your grandad is very proud.
You also saved the soul of the koa tree. I really want to incorporate a piece of koa into my next board- after all, the soul of surfing is Hawaiian. It would be nice to have a piece of Hawaii living in your board. What you did with that piece of wood sure beats the hell out of all the tourist trinkets I’ve seen desecrating the soul of those fine trees.