latest board

some pics of my latest board 6` 3" 21" 2 1/8" weighs with fins 6.5 lbs

Sorry no construction pics only just got camera back from repair shop…

Swell forcast for tomorrow so will hopefully be able to add ride report…

hi, nice looking board, what were your glass schedules?, did you make prefabbed skins or glass the outside after sanding the wood,

i can/t see a vent did you add one?, pete

Hey peteuk , 4oz in and out top and bottom, hand lam after sanding, not to sure about prefab skins dont quite understand how its done…

No vent , never had any probs before and dont intend to travel with the board. checked out your sunovas very nice.

hi tommo, a vent is just piece of mind if you use 1lb eps, a warm day at the beach is enough to blow it up, or you just leave it in the car a little too long,

i was in france a couple of years ago and the temps were in the 30/s left the board in the car with the vent open with no problems, i have post cured some boards in a walk in oven at work , 12 hours at 50 deg, vented , no problems, pete

cheers pete will do for next board…

Try and get a ride report done tomorrow, swell looks bit shitty but such is life…

nice one tommo

Cheers silly…


cheers pete will do for next board…

Pete C sells some nice Gortex vents that can be installed after the glass. Great thing about his vents is you don’t have to remember to put the plug in or out, just rinse it off. He also makes some that can be glassed in. Infinity uses his vents exclusively on their eps boards.

Nice looking board!

Cheers, but who is Pete C.???


Cheers, but who is Pete C.???

Look in the directory and you will find PeteC. Send him a pm. He has always been real good about replying. He might even chime in here about his vents. I know several of the guys have used them. I picked up a few from Pete last month for some SUPs I have in the works.


Thanks Alex will do that…


cheers but cant find Pete C in the directory… Has he left???