OK, my next real board is really gonna be a longboard. But I haven't gotten my hands on a LB blank yet, and I had this blank I won at the the Thrailkill workshop. And I needed some foam therapy. And I wanted to try my new planer. (But I haven't yet - all the offers I'm getting to sell or trade it have made me paranoid to even use it LOL, so I'm sticking with my trusty old Bosch for now hahaha.) Anyway, I've used the planer very little, working mostly by hand, this stuff is really really soft. You can actually work the blank down just by using abrasive language near it!
So I'm just playing around here, since I never built a foam board before, I'm exploring the medium so to speak. And grateful for the free blank to start with.
The stringer was a bit off-center, so that limited my width to 21" if I wanted to put the stringer in the center, which I did. And the blank was 7'5", so 7' was the size that worked once I rounded the nose for an egg.
My plan is to go thick for volume, flat bottom (well, with just a bit of hull in the nose).
Anyway, I promised when I won this that I would build a board from it, so here is the genesis of my journey through the foam dust! Hopefully what I learn here will make my longboard project more successful!
the blank: