Leash/legrope STRING alternatives

Ok, first up, i don't use my leggie recklessly, i try not to rely on it, ie i try to kick out, or exit without just bailing the board. I also surf in conditions im happy to swim in if i lose my board, so don't start the beat up just yet!.

The legrope on my 9'1'' is not very old, but the string recently came undone on a head high day ( not exactly macking surf haha ). Legrope itself is fine, but the knot in the string came undone, resulting in a swim, and me trying to re knot it in the surf. I notice on my new legrope, that if you pull the string hard enough, the knot starts to want to undo itself. What i want to know, is what other kind of rope can i use for my string?? I was thinking of doing the double fishermans knot ( looks like a strong knot ), but the standard leash/legrope string might not be long enough for that knot.





I use parachute cord for mine. Cut with very sharp blade, melt the ends. Never had one break. But because I have a whole roll of the stuff I change them out pretty frequently.

Cheers mate, im guessing an outdoor store would probably have some.

Yeah I would think so. Don’t know if you have military surplus stores there, but I would think a store that sells camping/hunting supplies?? Military surplus store is where I got like half a roll for just a few bucks. Stuff is awesome for a million uses.

i have seen guys use cables ties…

i have seen guys use cable ties…

I once used coconut husk in a pinch. It held up through an overhead session. 

I’ve used plain old shoelaces…

I’d like to get a roll of something propper tho

your local surf shop should just have a heap of these blue fcs ones. i bough a stack of them for like 10 bucks. add to it a drill through the box leash hole and ive never had to worry unless the actual leash has broken which seems to be happening alot lately. haha 

beerfan, same exact thing happened to me today. I knew it when I left the parking lot. I cut the string to soon. I think you leave the string long and let it knot itself up real tight before you cut the ends. I work at a surfshop though and the leash ropes are freebies so I’m not seeking an alternate.

go to the nearest big box hardware store, look in the cord section for 550# 7 strand utility cord, same as parachute cord, 100’ for $8.  Cut 6" for a 3" loop, burn the ends, tie a simple overhand knot at the ends, slip the loop end under the leash plug bar, then feed it back through the loop, and pull tight.  Should’t come undone in any conditions.

Right on the money Icc, I do the same thing… I haven’t had a single cord break, but have had a couple of actual leash breaks.

a drop of super glue will keep that knot tight

back in the days,,,,,,,,,,,when we had nothing else,,,,,,,,,,my brother ray and myself used shoelaces for many years.

we use to wax them up with surfwax and stick them in the sun so the wax would impregnate the laces.

now days,,,,,,,,,as i've said in the past here and elsewhere.........para-cord works great !

and use a loop knot ............this is the best knot for the job!


Hey Beery …

Suggestion worked old mate … thanx

Any polypropelene cord will work. Parachute cord is great, inexpensive and easy to get. A double (or single) fishermans knot is my go-to. After being a nazi rock climber through the 70's and 80's I can assure all that this WON'T come undone. The more tension placed on the knot, the tighter it becomes. This comes from many lead falls and several ropes over the years. Fisherman's knot=Bombproof.

I like to use the Boot Lace stuff you can buy at any cvs, there are two kinds one with wax the other not, both are good and you get alot, enough to do a few boards. Make sure its the yellow and brown thick tough Boot String, and burn the ends and slightly melt the knot.



My Father taught me how to tie the fisheman’s (or improved clinch knot) many,many years ago when he used to take me fly fishing…

  You bring back fond momories with your mention of this knot tblank…")

From 2002 to about 2006  I cut and tied my own Kite flying lines from an extremely strong line material called Q-Powerline… It’s spectra based I belive and is incredibly strong…

Surf kite lines feature loops in the end which bite onto a knoted leader line on the kite using a knot called a   Larks head knot…

I recommend using a loop passed through the bar of the leash cup  then passing the line through that loop… Much like a steel choker would be applied or a store bought leg rope…The advantage to passing a loop around the bar in the cup is that 2 parallel lines will spread the load as well as allow for quick and easy change out of line…

The best knot for making the loop is a parallel figure eight knot as it spreads the load of the knot over a larger surface area and can be untied if needed…

.Make a 3’’ long loop in the end of the line as described by others above and tie a figure eight in the loop using the doubled up portion of line… Try to keep the line crossing in the knot parallel as this also spreads out the load forces on the knot and reduce the shearing "noose like " effect the knot has on the line…

I used to use electrical  heat shrink tube to tidy up the loose end of line but I tend to over-do things…lol

Kiterider, Our friend the Beerfan brought up the knot. A cord with an inner core and a sheath wrapped around it allows the knots to be taken out...you just have to fiddle with it. Climbing has plenty of uses for figure eights also. You can make a loop by tying a loose figure eight and come in the reverse direction with the other end. Trace the path of the first knot and pull out the other side of the knot. It's called a Flemish Bend. Just about every knot in rock climbing is designed to get tighter the more tension is put on it. The polypro cords and ropes allow themselves to be untied.