Leash Plugs *PIC*

I searched the archives for leash plug information but could only find “through-deck” instructions. What are some methods for installing the little plastic leash plugs? Also, is this leash plug [from hollowsurfboards.com] easy to do? How does one do something similar? Can I just use a chunk of resin with a hole drilled through?

To do glass leash loops, just take some fin roving and a wax pencil and lay the roving over the waxed pencil then spread the ends out a bit. Very simple to do. Very strong too. As for that wood one, thats beautiful. Wonderious how its done though.

yeah, what paul does is pretty easy…haha …he does some amazing work. his boards are flat out beautiful

Yeah… that particular leash attachment may have been made using a piece left over from a wood/glass fin. Laminate tapered segments of wood together ( cut, taper cut, joint 'em, glue, clamp and wait ) then cut to outline shape, plane to rough thickness, shape/foil, glass and glass and glass… then attaching the thing. Put it this way, there is less hand-work in some complete surfboards than there is in that one leash attachment. doc…

You guys…!!!.. Here’s how it’s done… When I make a “Rising Sun Fin”, I use a hole saw to cut out the Heart of The Sun (That sound pretty groovy, n’est pas…???..) That piece contains the tips of the wedges that make up the Rising Sun… I usually throw them away… But I figured it might make for a cool leash loop thing… I make a few pass with a belt sander, hit it with a file and Ka-Bingo, ready for epoxy… Ok, now you do it… Paul http://www.hollowsurfboards.com

Hey Paul! Just got the rising sun fin you made for me, it came out really really nice. If you normally throw that circular piece away, and if you haven’t already, I’d love to try to make one of these leash attachments (it would even match the fin, very cool)… on the other hand if you already chucked it, that’s the way the cookie crumbles. thanks again, Keith

Sounds great, thanks!

saw the most haggard leash loop the other day at a little local msurf shop. board was obviously doen by a backyard guy, not a very good one at that, looked like he took some old ass fin rope, and wrinkled up and put a straw between the board and the rope to make a whole, looked horrible, as it looks liek he didnt even throw soem sanding resin on it. that loop pictured is epid, and paul i love ur work!! one day i hope to be able to do stuff like that!

It’s going in the mail tomorrow… Paul http://www.hollowsurfboards.com

thanks Paul!