Legendary Surfer Drowns


It’s tragic when anyone dies. I really feel for his family and those who loved him for their loss. But, I thought that Ghost Trees has only recently started to be ridden and that was only towing in. Even seasoned and fit watermen can get in over their head. At some point you have to ask yourself is it worh it?

My wife is asking me that very question about racing maxi’s to Hawaii. To me the risk is worth the reward. But, I could just as easily wind up the same way. We ll take risks. It’s part of who we are. But, we have to undertand the price we pay when the bill comes due.

No more motor craft is allowed in this area…

I heard that PWC were banned in Monterey Bay. But, the article said there were 15 PWC out at Ghost Trees.

there’s a photo of ghost trees in the front of the the new surfer’s journal----last nite (east coast ) i had said to my wife , that the photo really made the place look nasty. how nasty ,i just didn’t know

I heard that PWC were banned in Monterey Bay. But, the article said there were 15 PWC out at Ghost Trees.

Effective January 1st.