levrita and viagra questions from an old geezer

Ok…I had open heart surgery and other stuff.Plus I am 58 years old.I am not the young stud I used to be but I still like women .So…can anybody tell about this stuff???I realize that it is not surf realted but due to my “seniority” I hope it aint deleted.Just remember that all of you are going to be old geezer like me someday. RB

You could try a penis pump.

Hi Roger -

On a TV show i was watching last night, they showed three Playmates who allegedly shared the bed of Hugh Hefner… at times, all at once.

Cut to Hugh who was asked, “Do you need Viagra to keep up with all three?”

He said, “With three girlfriends, you definitely need Viagra!”

The stuff must work.

I prefer a hand pump…badabing

how 'bout it compsand guys? Does the vacuum pump work…badaboom

Howzit Mr. Clean, Think this is a question for your doctor since those drugs increase blood pressure and might not be a good idea for people who have had a heart attack. Hugh Hefner had a small stroke years ago so he might be in a different catagory. Brother we don’t want to lose you and I’m sure you don’t need drugs to satisfy a good woman. Aloha,Kokua

Hey thanks Kokua/I have good cardiologist that actullay gave the OK for this stuff.Iam just curious.I bet there will be a lot of jokes on this one. RB

Howzit Mr. Clean, From what I’ve heard you won’t have time for jokes for about 4 hrs when using those drugs, you’ll be to busy. Good to hear your doc says it’s OK to use since that means you’re doing really good health wise.Aloha,Kokua


I don’t quite remember it, but it had something to do with a guy forgetting to use water to take his viagra and wound up with a stiff neck…badabing, badaboom. Ohhhhh!

That’s all I got.

Hi Roger, if your Doc says OK, go for it!, i would recomend to start with smaller ammounts just to see how does your body reacts since each person is different and will have different reactions.

It’s great to read you’re “enjoying life”, sincerelly.


PS: i have to check again that Master Glasser video because i remember an scene where you were doing a pinline with both hands and hanging up the board over the rack at the same time, so i thought the trick was some one helping you with a third hand under the board, but now… i want to check it again, just to know every trick before my next resin experience. (ok, i’m sorry but you knew there would be some jokes and it’s 00.45 AM here and just came from a dinner with some friends)

Make sure to take 3 or 4 and get your moneys worth…bada, boom,boom,boom, daa daa bing!

he he/…I knew this would start some shi##### I mean stuff. IO do appreciate the input .Now…which one RB of you are using it???

Its dangerous to exceed the recommended dosage! Dont do it!!

Some guy did this and die - all the blood got diverted into his old fella and there wasn’t enough in the rest of his body to keep him alive.

See news clip here.

What do ya mean? I just took 4 two hrs ago and i’m still alive…

Maybe yours are weak ones and that isn’t exceeding the dosage.

Did you follow the link to the news clip?

It’s apparent you’re giving the issue more than mere lip service!


This somewhat older fellow’s outtahere before I get carried away.

Definitely check w/ doctor. Could be fine but shaping surfboards etc and medicine…well let’s just say there’s not a lot of overlap.

I actually tried it once. Got purple veins–on my face!!! For real. Didn’t take my blood pressure but the head you’re supposed to think with felt like it could explode. Rather alarming (and distracting). Had a lot of fun though. wink wink nudge nudge. YMMV!!!

so do I take it or not??she is on the way he he(over to my place)He He

re :

viagra .

yes I have tried it [out of curiosity.] I read up on it a fair bit first , and asked a friend who has been put on it since thyroid cancer treatment knocked out some of his drives [he is only 40]

anyway , here’s what I found …

As I was recommended to do, first , start with a quarter of a tab.

Drink LOTS of fluid . But not alcohol …water is the best , I reckon .

It takes a little while to work , anywhere from 20 minutes to 40 or so [ you don’t just swallow it and instantly er ‘bar up’ [for want of a better word] . You will still need to er hand start it for effect [if you get my drift].

It makes some people’s heads spin a bit , and vision blur slightly.

Also , make sure you eat a fair bit before taking it . [When it ‘wears off’ , headaches can happen . And they can feel like a severe hangover , with a whole tablet]

It also gives the sense [real or imagined?] of increased body temperature.

Don’t start off with a whole one , I cannot emphasize this enough !

do a ‘google search’ on viagra , if still unsure .

okay, I hope this helps ?



[and remember … if all else fails , you still have ten hands and a mouth and tongue for her …and so , hopefully , does she !]

Don’t do it CL, don’t stress out about impending relations, relax, let the mood take you to new heights…

Oh and wear a condom mate, not just for the obvious but that’ll keep things going longer…

Like licking an ice cream with cling wrap over your tongue…

Geez, you’re starting to sound like a 15 year old virgin…


Aloha Clean Man,

In an effort to bring all this back to the true purpose of this Sway forum: Forget the drugs, go “barefoot” (no protection), When you see it coming, just drop in, do a bottom turn, trim it out, enjoy the ride, then kick it out on the backside. We’ll be cheering you on from the sand.
