Liddle Site?

Is there a new liddle site i don’t know of, or has the page disappeared into cyberspace just in time for me to order a new board?

Works fine for me.

wow what are the odds that on both my work computers and my pda i can not load this page. Did i do something to anger the internet gods?

Yeah, that’s odd…Try clearing your cache, maybe they just changed ISPs or something…

Had same thing happen to me on kb site ( and everyone denies its their fault. Finally gave up. Been about 118 months at least and I can’t get on from home…

Gabo what do you want to find out on Liddles site?


Ive owned two liddles in the past (still have one) but both were bought off the rack, i wanted to get in touch with him to start a conversation about a custom board…pricing lead times…ect…I love what i have but after some 20 years of surfing i know what tweaks need to be made to really get me dialed in. Any info is always appreciated.

Gabo heres a tip, get your info down ,size, nose , width , tail , thickness dims , keep it short and sweet , no color, should be around 600 to 650. What are you gonna order?


Both liddles i have owned in the past were over 7 foot. I wanted to get into the little-liddle hulls as i am 5’9 and 150 (and find my self riding a 5’7 bonzer when its good…so i deal well with micro boards…5’1 fish anyone?). But this is where i wanted some feed back, i wanted to talk about how small i can go while still reaping all the displacement benefits, as I’m sure there is a point of unfunctionality (or diminished functionality at least)

once i determine the legnth i can figure out all my dims based on my past boards.

Work sends me all over the place (rarley to run places) so depending on current lead times i would be ordering in the next 2 weeks or so. Thanks!~

i know some people are making them smaller, but if you are use to rail driving a 7-plus footer, i’d stay at around 6’6" or so.with that said, greg just sent kp two insane micro-stubs. hope he posts them tonight.they’ll still go fast , feel the same but wont have that long rail carve when you drop below mid 6 foot…


Check out the “Post Hull Pics” thread.
