I almost started a new thread for this, but then I remembered I had started this old thread a couple years ago, and my comments here are germane to this topic.
So I recently have been watching YouTube a lot, following a few scandals and conspiracy theories that I find entertaining (OJ Simpson, Katt Williams, P Diddy, Nickelodeon, etc.), but I also started watching strip canoe building videos, and surfboard fin replacement videos.
A couple observations came out of that, which I just wanted to share here for comments or observations in case anyone else has some insights to add.
One, is in keeping with the original post in this thread, there is an astounding (to me) amount of misinformation, or misguided information out there on YouTube. So many “how to” videos with erroneous, inefficient, or problematic methods of repair, even some by “professionals”. OK, no surprise there. And I am neither a professional nor an expert, so I’m not going to get into outing anyone or any video specifically. My takeaway is that it really falls right back on each of us individually to find what works for us, use our own experiences and powers of observation and critical thinking, and realize everyone is sharing the best of their knowledge at the moment. I know I have posted things here that people took exception with, and argued vehemently against, and usually it was a matter of me a largely self taught backyarder vs accepted industry protocols from people working in an entirely different environment with entirely different skillsets, etc.
So my opinion, at present, is that I do tend to “like” these YouTube videos, as long as they are mosly well presented, even if I disagree with some of their methods. I appreciate them opening the conversation, and exposing themselves to public scrutiny.
I also notice that in lieu of actual conversations like we have here a little, and used to have here a lot, now we have podcasters commenting on podcasters, and often commenting on podcasters who commented on their podcast, without ever actually talking with each other. So its not really a “conversation” per se, but its still something like, and a chance to get different perspectives. The comments section is largely a chance for ignorant people to vent their ignorance publicly, but also occasionally to get some valuable insights from people who have something worthwhile to contribute to the subject.
I could give some specific examples if others want to go that route, but at this point I’m not sure about the traffic here on the forum, who’s here, who wants to talk, or if the entire DIY self-shaping and self-repair crowd have just (almost) entirely abandoned the forum platform of learning and teaching, in favor of the shorter, less conversational video and tik-tok formats available now.