Hi people, please help me out. I’ve sifted through pages upon pages of posts on painting EPS and what I get in a nutshell is that the paint/thinner ratio should be:
“Mix your acrylic paint with pure acrylic (futures floor polish) and distilled water. 1:1:1 ratio”.
Who can tell me what the UK equivalent is of Futures Floor Polish?! As far as I understand this is pure acrylic, but when I search for “pure acrylic” I get stupid results.
I’ve also stumbled across Liquitex Acrylic Spray Paint which works well on EPS according to Swaylocks posts, but again one recommendation is to seal it with - Futures Floor Polish!
I usually use regular old concrete sealer which isn’t 100% acrylic. Seems to work pretty well. My mixture for airbrushing, and I’m a complete caveman when it comes to this stuff, is 50% el cheapo poster paint + 25% distilled H2O + 25% concrete sealer. Mix well and fire away; however, no one is going to mistake me for Vincent van Gogh or Andy Warhol.
go to any supply house and get an acrylic floor sealer.
here in the US we have like 30 brands.
they all do the same shit.
Im sure you have the equivalent over there.