Live Earth & the Power of Waves

Hope a bunch of you had have the chance to catch “Live Earth”. Once again the power of music and in tune musicians tug at our very souls to move our inner emotions thereby arousing our primal common sense. Live Earth stands as a call to arms that the ‘higher ups’ in our country that supposedly govern us for the good of all, continue to fall well short of what should be regarded innately responsible for inhabiting this planet.

Raping our planet should be the most severe of crimes. TODAY’S KEY WORD: SUSTAINABILITY.

Einstein said “I don’t knw how World War 3 will be fought, but I do know how WW IV will be: with rocks and spears”.

It’s time to usher in a better way. The struggle over oil, the pollution of coal production and the waste of all those plastic water bottles that require untold amounts of energy in order to produce energy is an antiquated methodology.


yeah i guess we should all stay home and do some gardening

and not drive/fly to coal powered consuming/noise polluting rockconcerts

and buy maccas on the way and some piss/coca cola to drink

save the planet yeah

ever cleaned up after one of them concerts?

plastic is a good use of petroleum actually

very useful and can be recylced

but all in all

i am with you mate

I worked at an “Earth Day” concert here a few years ago. I’d never seen so much litter in one place, except maybe … um…

nope, never seen so much litter in one place.

And then everyone got in their own little rolling power plant and chugged their way back to the suburbs, 30 miles away, their little minds just filled with the joy of seeing “Shaggy” and “Sugar Ray” and “Sheryl Crow” on “Earth Day.”

Notice the alliteration? Shhheeeeeit.

I’m about sustainability, and those things aren’t.


but all in all

i am with you mate

And the self Knighted Leader of this feel-good fest, Al Gore, lives in a mansion that uses, in one month, the same energy as an average house uses in one year. I can’t quite get behind his brand of hypocrisy.

Keep the ocean clean, use your common sense when it comes to using what you have, but let’s get real: changing a few light bulbs isn’t going to cool off the earth. There’s a lot of hype floating around. Ice records show that the middle ages were warmer than now. In recent history, but before industrialization, Alaska has gone through several warming eras and ice ages.

By the way, the turn-out for the South African Live Earth was very low because of extremely cold weather. Go figure.


Unless you’re living on Walden Pond you don’t want to throw the first stone.

Unfortunately we’re all guilty of blatant hypocrisy regarding the inequitable distribution (what’s our share ?) and consumption of the planets resources…

Where’s the crime in using your political, social or financial resources to TRY to make a difference ?

Kind regards to all,

Steve Coletta


And the self Knighted Leader of this feel-good fest, Al Gore, lives in a mansion that uses, in one month, the same energy as an average house uses in one year. I can’t quite get behind his brand of hypocracy.

Keep the ocean clean, use your common sense when it comes to using what you have, but let’s get real: changing a few light bulbs isn’t going to cool off the earth. There’s a lot of hype floating around. Ice records show that the middle ages were warmer than now. In recent history, but before industrialization, Alaska has gone through several warming eras and ice ages.

By the way, the turn-out for the South African Live Earth was very low because of extremely cold weather. Go figure.


Ya got that right.

It “FEELS GOOD” to say they’re helping the environment.

And to many, “RAISING MONEY” somehow translates to “HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT.”

According to the U.N., The number one cause of greenhouse gases is raising livestock… the number one cause of “man-made global warming” is the demand for meat. If it’s really important to STOP GLOBAL WARMING, the solutiuon is to GO VEGAN.

If you talk about global warming and believe in the severity of the problem, but you’re not going vegan, you’re a pure fucking hypocrite.




If you talk about global warming and believe in the severity of the problem, but you’re not going vegan, you’re a pure fucking hypocrite.

I eat meat and I believe we are in a warming cycle but I can’t accept the final pronouncments of modern science with their puny hundred years of data powering their studies…and their studies being the source of their income…does that make me an impure fucking hypocrite?

Al Gore’s son recently did more to promote green transportation than his dad and all the Hollywood celebs put together: got busted on a California freeway driving over 100 miles per hour…in a Prius! Who knew those things could go so fast?


…guess I got riled up after watching the concerts…actually I wouldn’t mind riding a donkey or Vespa down o the beach to go ride some waves…of course it would be more colorful if I was on some tropical island.

I agree that plastic is a good use of petroleum.recyclable and all, but when it comes t water what ever happened to drinking directly from the source? If I was up in Oregon fishing for salmon and I got thirsty I’d just scoop up a hatful and have at it. This 2 billion dollar bottled water industry is a clear indication that were going the wrong way down the street.

Sustainable and renewable isn’t that hard to envision. We have a space station and were are taking data on the cosmos…yet we are f–king up our ocean and environment…what’s with that?

Funny enough, I was watching a Steven Seagal movie after the Live Earth concerts…don’t remember the name but it takes place up in Alaska and Michael Caine is the big bad oil magnate that is destroyng the earth for more profits, killing people that have a conscience, the gamut…ultimately the message at the end of the movie is that we should not be producing or manufacturing anything that can’t be recycled or neutralized into harmless substances.

The whole yin and yang of this is PROFIT. If man wants to cheat himself for a few more bucks in his pocket to spend right now, it is pretty clear that he will do so with no regard for tomorrow. This gets a little more complicated once you have children. Those little shining faces tend to make one think about the future unless you are a fatalist and could care less.

So we look at a cross section of humanity and in the pie we find a few enlightened souls out there.the Oprahs, Bramsons, Bonos…and less celebrity based people doing equally courageous things, then we look at another piece of the pie and there are guys like Dick (good name) Cheney raking in gazillions off Haliburton and the war machine. And then the lion’s share of the pie is made up of poor people w/out electricity or runnig water (2/3rd’s of the world)…people that are oblivious to anything but survival.

I know a guy that just recently moved back to France after living in the U.S. for 34 years…he decided he didn’t want to live under this “dictatorship”. Why would he d that? Well, he works in he restaurant business and he wil be paid a very good wage there instead of having to live on tips and minimum wage. He will be entitled to some of the best health insurance in the world (USA rates 37th in the world and nearly 50 mil. can’t afford it)…in France, everyone gets health coverage. He will also get the equivalent of 6 weeks paid vacation each year. This is lumping in holidays…but it closely works out to 6 weeks.

Do you get 6 weeks each year?

My friend in Paris knows what this guy is talking about. For $40 a month he gets hi speed internet, 120 tv channels and he can call FREE on his phone to over 40 countries. My wife is staying in Paris right now and she cals me for free. I was supposed to go but had a heavy work load and had to stay here. I think Paris is the most liveable city in the world. It certainly is one of the most beautiful. Sustainbale? Renewable? If you went down into the French sewer system and took the little tour you would see the system that a Frenchman created back in the early 1800’s. The system now results in 100% pure water, and the salmon are thriving in the Seine River. You can catch salmon sitting along the right or left bank and go home and cook it up. This doesn’t soound like the Ohio River does it? But people have been conditioned and programmed into believing this isn’t possible.This system is not a new modernized system that replaced the original…it’s nearly 200 years old…only the French. No wonder they have attitude.

Yeah, picking up after a big concert is work, but sooner or later we gotta clean up our acts or the curtain will fall.

Hey D.S.

…I read the whole little expose…X po say…on Gore’s mansion and his electric bill.

Quite pointless…and small minded. I suppose that prosperity is a dirty word for those who don’t understand it. By that standard, Bono should live in a little shit shanty in some god forsaken stretch of Ireland. Screw him and his big ideals. And while we are at it, what about that rich bitch black woman setting up schools in Africa to educate and empower some girls that might give their lives to finding solutions to their continent’s plight? Why the women? Because the men are too busy raping the babies and young women in the belief that they will get rid of the AIDS that way. Oprah believes the solutions for Africa will come from their women. Gee what lofty thoughts from a black girl raised in abject poverty…what makes her think these things are possible???

Apes with rockets or reality begins when man can dare to dream.

Build the road and walk on it as the Romans did, or wallow in mud grabbing all you can for yourself…take your pick.

“Man is the only species that dreams, we don’t know why” (Gene Roddenberry).

If an ostrich sticks his head in a hole, does this mean the danger is no longer imminent?

Not to mention Occidental Petroleum

plastic is a good use of petroleum.recyclable and all

Funny thing about that plastic. I NEVER degrades into its component molecules at least for many thousands of years. what it does do is break down into little bitty pieces of plastic. After awhile microsopic bits of plastic. Currently, in near shore areas, 50% of the plankton biomass (food chain starts here) is those itty bitty micro pieces of plastic. Enjoy your fishwich


Funny thing about that plastic. I NEVER degrades into its component molecules at least for many thousands of years. what it does do is break down into little bitty pieces of plastic. After awhile microsopic bits of plastic. Currently, in near shore areas, 50% of the plankton biomass (food chain starts here) is those itty bitty micro pieces of plastic. Enjoy your fishwich

I would really love to know where you pulled that stat out of? To me it seems like BS but I’ve been wrong before. Unless or course the stat is referring to natural plastics. Plastics like collagen.

Here are some I’ve come across…as the gambler says…read 'em and weep…


Funny thing about that plastic. I NEVER degrades into its component molecules at least for many thousands of years. what it does do is break down into little bitty pieces of plastic. After awhile microsopic bits of plastic. Currently, in near shore areas, 50% of the plankton biomass (food chain starts here) is those itty bitty micro pieces of plastic. Enjoy your fishwich

I would really love to know where you pulled that stat out of? To me it seems like BS but I’ve been wrong before. Unless or course the stat is referring to natural plastics. Plastics like collagen.

From some eco-organization guy on radio so it might have come out of his butt, but I’m inclined to believe it. The basic is true though; plastic doe not biodegrade, it just gets smaller and more dispursed. We are deeply imbeded in a life destroying, biosystem destroying culture of consumption. World wide. It is quite possible that human activity is only a minor contributor to global warming and even that climate change wont’ be the disaster predicted, but there is so much human generated destruction and unbalancing behavior going on that there is bound to be a reckoning.

Dr. Doom

Speaking of radio. I hear some guy say something like “people don’t want to save the planet they want to save themselves” I guess Its in peoples best interest to not ‘generate destruction’. Too many people to little world.

It would be great to knw where you got he data…R U an oceanographer, botanist or of some other scientific rumblings?

Plastic is defined as any material that is malleable (shapeable by outside forces) whether natural or synthetic.

Being that I’m a human garbage disposal when I’m hungry, it doesn’t bother me that some plastic (natural or otherwise) is going down the pike. Unfortunately it all ends up in the ocean anyway. Isn’t there something better we can do with all that sh-t?

Anyway, going back to the original (half) title of this thread…the power of waves…who canlend insight as to the feasibility of tidal action for satisfying our energy hungry lifestyles? Being that the vast majority of the planet is water and most often (and endlessly) subject to currents, tides and wave action…perhaps it’s as simple as tapping into and perfecting that source of energy so we can create and power purification systems in spite of ourselves.

Unfortunately there is to much focus on the negative menial crap day after day in our media. Does anyone remember the Aussie show “Beyond 2000”? What a great program…it focuses on all the positive stuff that man is creating and developing for the future or is already in play…except we’d never know it with all the rerun garbage news the media feeds us. Most of life IS A RERUN…you’ve been there before, drank that, eaten this, sat on the throne, traveled hither and yonder and back again…WHAT IS REALLY A FIRST TIME NEW OR TRULY CREATIVE EVENT?

The reactive mind wants to stay ‘there’…is resistant to change…even the abused child looks for familiarity.

I’m dedicated to evolution (remember Nat, Wayne and Witzig…oops, not that Evo.)…we’ve been on the same single fin for too long…it’s time to push the envelope.


According to the U.N., The number one cause of greenhouse gases is raising livestock… the number one cause of “man-made global warming” is the demand for meat. If it’s really important to STOP GLOBAL WARMING, the solutiuon is to GO VEGAN.

If you talk about global warming and believe in the severity of the problem, but you’re not going vegan, you’re a pure fucking hypocrite.

Okay, I wasn’t going to post again on this but this article popped up online during a break…

Burping cows ‘harming environment’ 9.04, Tue Jul 10 2007

Cows could be doing more damage to the environment than four-wheel-drive cars, scientists have warned.

Methane emissions from cattle account for a quarter of the gas in our air and researchers are trying to find a new way to feed cattle which leads to less belching.

Michael Abberton of the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research said the key is developing new varieties of food that are easier for cattle to digest and also provide a proper balance of fibre, protein and sugar.

He told a briefing on farming and climate change at London’s Science Media Centre that this could open up plant-based solutions as alternatives to reducing stock as farmers look for ways to cut methane emissions amid warming climates.

Mr Abberton said the average dairy cow belches out about 100 to 200 litres of methane each day, making diet changes a key potential factor in reducing this greenhouse gas.

“There is a common misperception about how methane gets into the atmosphere,” he said. “It is actually through belching rather than the other end,” he said.

He said introducing easier-to-digest legumes that tend to reduce methane emissions is an example of an approach scientists are beginning to explore. Legumes such as clover and alfalfa are commonly used for animal fodder.

It also requires farmers to balance cows’ legume intake with other food and to develop different species of grass that are also more digestible, he added.

“What I’m saying is there are approaches within plant breeding that can lead to reduced emissions,” said Mr Abberton.