…guess I got riled up after watching the concerts…actually I wouldn’t mind riding a donkey or Vespa down o the beach to go ride some waves…of course it would be more colorful if I was on some tropical island.
I agree that plastic is a good use of petroleum.recyclable and all, but when it comes t water what ever happened to drinking directly from the source? If I was up in Oregon fishing for salmon and I got thirsty I’d just scoop up a hatful and have at it. This 2 billion dollar bottled water industry is a clear indication that were going the wrong way down the street.
Sustainable and renewable isn’t that hard to envision. We have a space station and were are taking data on the cosmos…yet we are f–king up our ocean and environment…what’s with that?
Funny enough, I was watching a Steven Seagal movie after the Live Earth concerts…don’t remember the name but it takes place up in Alaska and Michael Caine is the big bad oil magnate that is destroyng the earth for more profits, killing people that have a conscience, the gamut…ultimately the message at the end of the movie is that we should not be producing or manufacturing anything that can’t be recycled or neutralized into harmless substances.
The whole yin and yang of this is PROFIT. If man wants to cheat himself for a few more bucks in his pocket to spend right now, it is pretty clear that he will do so with no regard for tomorrow. This gets a little more complicated once you have children. Those little shining faces tend to make one think about the future unless you are a fatalist and could care less.
So we look at a cross section of humanity and in the pie we find a few enlightened souls out there.the Oprahs, Bramsons, Bonos…and less celebrity based people doing equally courageous things, then we look at another piece of the pie and there are guys like Dick (good name) Cheney raking in gazillions off Haliburton and the war machine. And then the lion’s share of the pie is made up of poor people w/out electricity or runnig water (2/3rd’s of the world)…people that are oblivious to anything but survival.
I know a guy that just recently moved back to France after living in the U.S. for 34 years…he decided he didn’t want to live under this “dictatorship”. Why would he d that? Well, he works in he restaurant business and he wil be paid a very good wage there instead of having to live on tips and minimum wage. He will be entitled to some of the best health insurance in the world (USA rates 37th in the world and nearly 50 mil. can’t afford it)…in France, everyone gets health coverage. He will also get the equivalent of 6 weeks paid vacation each year. This is lumping in holidays…but it closely works out to 6 weeks.
Do you get 6 weeks each year?
My friend in Paris knows what this guy is talking about. For $40 a month he gets hi speed internet, 120 tv channels and he can call FREE on his phone to over 40 countries. My wife is staying in Paris right now and she cals me for free. I was supposed to go but had a heavy work load and had to stay here. I think Paris is the most liveable city in the world. It certainly is one of the most beautiful. Sustainbale? Renewable? If you went down into the French sewer system and took the little tour you would see the system that a Frenchman created back in the early 1800’s. The system now results in 100% pure water, and the salmon are thriving in the Seine River. You can catch salmon sitting along the right or left bank and go home and cook it up. This doesn’t soound like the Ohio River does it? But people have been conditioned and programmed into believing this isn’t possible.This system is not a new modernized system that replaced the original…it’s nearly 200 years old…only the French. No wonder they have attitude.
Yeah, picking up after a big concert is work, but sooner or later we gotta clean up our acts or the curtain will fall.