Local Motion 1982?

Lazer Zap Surfboard


Wow, looking at that brings back memories… At that time which was right when the Thrusters would begin to take over, we were all jazzed with riding a lazor zap… Unfortunately we were too stoned to be able to ride them… Actually when we were sober we couldn’t ride them either!!!

That’s showing 'em griff

and everyone thought you were mr. 5-fin

solosurfer(noel) has got to love it…

If it wasn’t so small I’d even think about it…

you guys see that.

hand crafted by griff in 1982

wonder how many here were surfing back then…

any comments about the particular design and why you made it?

and did you make the fin for it too?

more importantly why you are not making them as much any more?

were there functional issues?

I got to come up and talk to you about my next order or two

summers coming soon

time to get prepared…

hope all is well

with you and yours…

Local Motions Japan market wanted these at the time and i made what they wanted the best i could. They had what i felt was Mcoy’s modified multi plane Brewer bottom from the 70’s. In a short time they{ Japan } went from these to to the thin thruster so they were not made for more than a year. I had a really nice thruster version that i scared Marvin Foster with coming down off the top of a wave at Lanis with that nose while he was paddling out , those noses were pretty wicked. It had a great 2 tone yellow tint done at Tom Mayo’s glass shop who did all the Local Motions. These evolved into square winged straighter swallow tail 4-fins with 18" wide tails before i moved back to a more normal template.When this was sent to me i did think of solosurfer instantly. I did not make the fin. I have had some pictures of my concave tail singles sent to me from the seventies. They were my favorite designs specially the tri-fin ones.