Locking your Surfboard/Longboard/SUP

This thing is solid metal and you can use very thick cables or chains to secure with it. Well worth the money, just thought I’d share.



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No need for locks on SUPs , they go into the recycling bin…

a Smith and Wesson will take care of the rest

for a longboard

Thnx 4 sharing.

It attaches to the fin box?

So - do you have a board locked on top while you’re out surfing?

Yes, I bring 2 boards when I’m not exactly sure which one to bring. This allows me to leave one locked up. Plus I use it when I go camping or stopping at a store on my way home. Just an added piece of mind to keep the thieves moving to an easier target.

Yes, I leave an extra screw plate in the box then all I have to do is thread this in when I need it. It’s super simple and the fin stays in place. Check out the YouTube video.


Anybody who wants a surfboard lock PM me.  $20 and the shipping.  I have at least ten of them that I have had for years.  Works on a longboard box(ie Bahne/Fins Unlimited).  Complete with cable, lock and hardware that inserts into the fin box.  When you see how simple it is you will make the proverbial statement.  Why didn’t I think of that.  Lowel

I bought DocksLocks for a long distance camping trip to the Outer Banks.

That’s the best answer yet. Isn’t it interesting that this person just joined swaylocks 1 day ago and their first post is selling something???

Also, couldn’t you run a thin, steel cable through the leash plug and lock it with a lock?

There was one that came out awhile back that attached to the leash plug.  It was a claw type that hooked around the bar.   Here’s the problem;   Most quality longboards these days don’t have leashplugs.  They have drill thrus.  So the only practical lock is one that attaches to the fin box.  I have had these locks since the late 90’s.  As effective as anything on the market.  Tried giving them away for awhile but my cheap ass longboard clubbies didn’t want them.  Anybody could make one.   If ever a thread need to be booted to E&B this is it.

I detect the scent of SPAM.

You don’t want to provide a picture of these locks???

You don’t want to provide a picture of these locks???

I’ve been using Kanulock locking padded cable straps on out of area trips for a decade. Easy to use, won’t hurt the boards. Keeps the rookie thieves at bay, the pros are gonna get whatever they target.


When I Ilived on Maui and made trips to Calif and the NW;  I kept a Volvo 240 with locked Thule racks and a 9’0 Surftech Soft-Top stored at my Sister’s farm in Bako.   I never locked the Soft-top.   But then again I bought it and left it on the car when on Surfari knowing it probably wouldn’t be stolen.  No! No pic.  But after you buy one, feel free to mass produce them and flood the Market.  There is no patent.

Hi, your link came up as a 404 error. Here’s another link that, I think, is the the lock you’re talking about: https://www.kanulock.com/pages/keyvault

Okay, I might get one from you. Do you have paypal? Feel free to message me. If I buy one from you, would you oppose to me posting pics on the site here? And do these locks work on leash plugs as well as the drill through? Is it like this?

Ah Swaylocks. What a place.  PM me your address.  I’m gonna send you one for free.  Winner Winner!  Chicken Dinner!

I’ve thought about this a few times and not got round to making one (yet) but I thought of making it with two angled pieces. Slot them in at either end then slide them together. It would mean the lock is supported both sides of the fin box and less critical on the straight piece plugging the gap. Maybe.

Been driving a mini van for quite a while. I can fit my 10-2 board inside. I prefer leaving boards inside my car with windows and sunroof left a little open for ventilation, but I rarely take 2 boards to the beach.

Yes a van is the way to go.  Just don’t ever shove a board that is a little too long in with the nose up onto the dashboard.  You could be looking for a new windshield.