logo design

hey, has anybody here designed a logo on their computer? if so… what program did you use? how did it turn out? thanks! Sean

hey, has anybody here designed a logo on their computer? if so… what > program did you use? how did it turn out? thanks!>>> Sean Yes, that’s how most people do it these days. That’s what I do for a living. Need one done?

pc, got any samples you could show me? i might be interested. kirk

Sean, If you want just a simple label, your name, old shool look, some color, than you can mess around with Microsoft Paint program you most likely have on your computer if its Microsoft 98 or better. If you want more than that there are programs out there, but they can be expensive, long to learn, and an all around drag. I’m by no means a computer kook but I looked into it. Its almost better to give an idea to a freelancer. Shape them a board for trade? cfp

I designed my logo using an older program called “Print Shop III Deluxe”. It works on windows 98 and newer. Find it and give it a try…

Sean, I use a program that came with my HP printer called PrintMaster Gold and Professor Franklin’s Photo shop (or something like that). I use the PrintMaster for the geometric shapes, fonts, colors. If I decide to use a picture in the logo, I use the Professor Franklin program to crop, shape, change color of a photo, should I decide to use it in a logo. I have seen the PrintMaster Gold 12 for about $25, it includes a photo program so thats all you would need. I do have a couple of boards with logos I printed, a 7’0" board #323, and a 9’0" #417 in the archives. Theyre hard to see but hopefully it might give u some idea.

there is a program called logo design for 19.99 at office max. it will do the work for you or microsoft publisher is a good program and it offers more.

I’m a graphic designer, for the pc there are 2 essential programs: Photoshop & Illustrator. If your logo is text based (like the lost, jacobs, bing, jc, or hobie), then illustrator is tops. Photoshop is better for the hamilton style.

or you could turn to one of the worlds major logo printers rhema graphics. the are online now and do the best work in the world that i have seen. check out the link posted below http://www.rhemagraphics.com http://www.feraldave.com

If you are going to use a professional printer as Dave suggests, you’ll have to give them industry standard files to print from. This pretty much means .eps files which you can create in Macromedia Freehand or Adobe Illustrator (Corel Draw also, but has reputation for being buggy) You’ll probably be able to find a 30 day demo somewhere, like on one of the cds that come with geek mags. Moderate learning curve - prepare to spend a few hours getting the hang. Bitmap files like .tif, .gif or jpg (Adobe phtoshop, Paintshop Pro etc)will work however the logo won’t be able to be scaled in size to any great degree without getting blurry. If you are thinking about building a business it’s worth getting a logo professionally designed. A killer logo that looks great on tees shirts is fantastic publicity.

or, you could get a bottle of india ink and a brush for about $6 and draw/paint a truly personal logo on a sheet of rice paper.

We get our lams from the guy’s at global surf they used to call themselves evolution but changed there name. The print multi color logos for like $6 a sheet. They can do graphics for you to. they are inexpensive and they have a good rice paper that allows the printers to print real sharp prints. We buy aloha prints/and longboard stripes from them good luck Dave Glazier(Glazier Glassworks)

I’m with dave on this one! I’ve dealt with rhema graphics for 10 years, and they are the best i’ve come across, their sevice, price and quality of laminates is tops. you can go to an amateur and get an amateur job or you can go to a pro like rhema and get a pro job, its up to you. Mick (shaper) check 'em out http://www.rhemagraphics.com