Logos on opaque lam

Having some doubts about logos. Think about glassing a board tomorrow and i’m not sure how to apply the logos.

Going to glass it with pigmented resin, light green, opaque. I apply the logos under the lam??! After the lam on the hot coat?!?

Any help would be nice, thanks!!!

Over the pigmented lam, under a clear patch of 2oz., if you have it. If not, 4oz. Fair the edge really well before you HC.

I laminate mine over the tint work with 2 four ounce patches - making sure top patch is smaller than the first - sands out perfect…

Since most decks have at least 2 layers of glass, I do the pigmented layer first, then a clear layer with the logo under it. If you are only doing one layer on the bottom, the above advice with a small patch over the logo works fine.