Lonboard V-tail

Hi all, I just made a 9’x18"n x23" x16"t x3", square tail, 5" noserocker, 3.2" tailrocker,widepoint in the midle. My first atempt on a 3 stringer. The tail is 1.6" thick 1’ from the end. There is no concave in the nose. I put a V in the last 1/3 from the tail. The problem is that the V came out deeper than suspected(1/2")beeing my first 3 stringer. Is this too much V? The board is gone used in steep small slow beachbreaks.

I had a Takayama Joel Tudor model that had a ton of vee, that rode pretty good. If it looks like the vee is too extreme, you could still bring it down a bit. Ive found that what looks pleasing to the eye usually works. http://www.cheynehoran.com.au

it looks good too the eye, not too my mind. I am maybe thinking too technical. I dont wanne flatting it, the tail is already thin now

leave it, my second board I put insane v in the tail all the way off the end(didn’t know any better)and it rips on steep beach break. it’s about dead and I’m going to make a copy with the same v.

With a 16" tail and a 3.2" tail rocker, a good dose of V in the tail just may be the ticket! Sounds like fun to me.

I agree with Scott, a 9’0 v-bottom sounds like fun. That it’s thin is an advantage. It’ll probably release nicely into waves.