Longboard Build Thread

I thought it was time to put up another build thread. This is a 9’10". I pulled out a template I had from a couple of other boards for the profile. This template is 10’1" I will take most of the length out of the tip so that rocker number will be lower.

The outline is fairly straight sided. W.P. 22 3/4", Tail 15 1/4" an Nose 18 1/4"

I templated the stringer lines and cut them against that. I tuned off the power to the wire as I approached the point I marked as the end of the stringers.

I made stringers out of 1"x 6" redwood that was resawn in half. I use a bench top planer to get them own to about a quarter inch then tapered the tip and tail down to very thin. I slipped the stringers into the slot I cut after putting in brown Gorilla Glue. Then clamped and taped it.

Saweeeet! I’m going to be building a 9’10 soon too! good luck with the build!

love the parabolic stringers. need to do more of them myself. i think they work for EPS really well.
dampening flex and keeping them lively…

I finalized the blank. I shaved down the stringers, cutout and smoothed the outline.

I have a couple of questions if you will? How did you go about cutting the slots and do they go all the way through the blank? I’m not sure if I’m looking at top and bottom of the blank in photos. Thanks!

You can see in the first photo my setup for cutting the stringer slots. The first photo of the blank is the top, the second is the bottom. From my experience, stringers that don’t go all the way through are not very effective at snap-in-half prevention.

Sheesh - don’t know how I missed that. Nice hot wire device!

“From my experience, stringers that don’t go all the way through are not very effective at snap-in-half prevention.”
And from basics mechanical “rules” stringers that go all the way are not very effective at snap-in-half prevention too. So not an easy problem to solve LOL.

Hi Mataco-
Thanks for the thread, nice board, looking forward to seeing it progress.

Finished shaping the blank. I did single/roll/vee on the bottom, 50/50 rails and added a finbox reinforcement.

I used an epoxy slurry with micro balloons and cabosil to fill the voids. I decided to lam over the top of the fin box. I installed it, the handle and the leash plug then finished sanded everything.

I used spray adhesive on the bottom of the board and around the handle and leash plug to hold the Innegra in place while I wetted it. I used RR epoxy to wet out and then laid on the Okume veneer. I wrapped it with release ply, perf ply and breather. Slid it in the bag and vacuumed it down slow. 2 lbs. of vac for about 45 min then increased to 5 for another 30 min. This is what it looks like after I unwrapped it.

super nice buddy i just LOVE it, and going the extra mile with the veneer and vac bagging is super super inspiring.

I like it too…

I spent a real long day doing the outer lamination. I used cabosil and epoxy to fair in the edges of the veneer. Then i glassed with 4oz. S on both sides with cut laps. I basted the rails and fill coated both sides.

Awesome. That dark veneer and white rails makes me think of vintage motorboats with the white caulking between the deck boards.

I sanded, pinlined and finish coated. Here are some pics of it when I was test fitting the fin. I’ll probably do a wet sanded finish on the bottom before I ride it.