Longboard Design for 99B Blank

I picked up a 99B blank that someone was selling cheap and I’m looking for advice on what type of board design would be best suited for this blank. This will be a board for me (i’m 5’11" 175lbs) and be used for smaller days in the pacific northwest. I’d like to keep things fairly simple since I haven’t longboarded much and I’ve only made ~15 boards. Any ideas?

Something like this classic 9’4 longboard design is a nice tight fit into that blank. (the 99B blank is the thinner outline in the image)



This is super helpful, great visual. I was thinking something of a more traditional shape and this seems to fit perfect. I’ll definitely be trying to replicate this outline. Thanks you!

Just a backyard shaper here so take my opinion with a grain of salt - keep as much of the length as possible - keep as much nose and tail rocker as possible unless you ride a perfect pointbreak (unlikely). Our PNW beach breaks are not soft mushy Cali breaks and those shapes may not work as well here. Just my $.02. Good luck and happy shaping!

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Maximizing rocker for a small-surf longboard would be more for a beginner / someone new to surfing. The flatter rocker will have a lot of benefits in small surf eg. being able to connect to inside reforms.

That said, probably can’t go wrong sticking with the 99B natural rocker, even if the person that designed that blank was a “Cali” shaper. :smile:


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Just my opinion riding waves in Westport, etc - certainly diff breaks have diff characteristics but my local beach breaks seem to benefit from more rocker - I would include Shortsands OR even in the Summer on small days more rocker helps not pearling but also turning in tighter beach break pockets - I think Takiyama had a beach break model w/ a bit more of that IIRC - Your mileage may vary depending on your break and the conditions rode - again I’m not a pro here but seasoned local surfer and just my $.02

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@PNW_CoolDad @ShaperSupplyCo Thanks to both of you! I was first thinking about how hard it would be to properly take out rocker and blend it properly so I was leaning towards keeping the rocker as is. Looks like your design just has a half inch removed which wouldn’t be too bad and would help me work on my planer skills. I would be riding it at some point breaks along the straight in addition to beach breaks like Westport and Shorties. Whichever rocker design I pick it’ll good to compare the effect on how it rides at those different breaks.

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