LongBoard Finbox Install on the Lam??

Store boards route on the hotcoat then overlap the gloss coat on the finbox. Looks great.

I don’t use a gloss coat. I usually route on the hotcoat and leave the top of the finbox exposed but what if I want to overlap the hotcoat on the top of the finbox? (at least half all aorund the perimeter of the finbox) Anyone done this? How deep should I route the finbox? Flush with the lam coat? BTW, approx how thick is a typical layer of hot coat?



Our shop always routed on the lam coat, added two patches over the box, let it cure, then hotcoated…sanded that, then glossed.

Of course, we also added 3 short woodie spiders each side of the box, for addtional stringer protection.