longboard radius?

wanting to shape a 9’9 w into a classic…23 width, wide tail. 3 1/4 thick…i have to order the blank custom…whats a classic stringer wood? could you use the blanks outline for the radius? classics seem pretty strait/planky would this work?i like the shape as is what do you guys think? rocker? should i change it too? what does bing use for his noesrider?thanks for the helps

i picked up my 9’9"W today. i went +1/2"N last 18", +3/4"T last 21". for a classic stringer, you can’t go wrong with a good ol’ T-band. i’d say do a 1/4" bass center + (2) 1/8" cedar outside.

hay thanks thats sounds good what does the why that rocker?+in the tail for noes riding?+in the nose for easier entery bigger waves? how do you like the outline? what are you using for a temp?

  • in the tail for noseriding…+ in the nose cuz i’m hacking 3" off the tip, and with that increase at the nose i’ll still have a VERY flat entry rocker. plan shape will be wide, parallel rails with a broad nose and tail. i design on APS3000, print it up, and transfer it to masonite.

well that way more high tech than im gettin after…how close is it to the blank shape? width? thanks for the rocker imput

i’ll take a picture in the next day or so with the template laying over the blank so you can see it…you’ll still need to take away a decent amount of foam. also, there might be a symmetry problem with that blank (i know it’s one of the clark blanks in the 9’9"-9’10" range…one side is thicker than the other). all i know is that it’ll all be even and pretty when it’s done. this is gonna be a fun one!

there might be a symmetry problem with that blank (i know it's one of the clark blanks in the 9'9"-9'10" range....one side is thicker than the other). all i know is that it'll all be even and pretty when it's done. this is gonna be a fun one!

According to the clark catalog, the 9’9" Yater has a symmetry problem.

" Blank has slight outline symmetry problem causing one side to be slightly wider/thicker in the rail at center. " (from the catalog)

yeah, that’s it…i knew it was one of those blanks in that size range

hay forest…thanks for the tip …have ya got the little one on a wave yet? i meet you at the swaylocks party…i had a blue wagon.with a pretty gal…from OR…howwwwwwiz cuz…


…have ya got the little one on a wave yet?

both boys (now 2.5 & nearly 5) have surfed tandem with me behind the ski boat at the lake. The older one has been out with me several times riding the nose of my board. He even went out with me at SA-04. It was pretty good size, and he had a ball. That was his first time in the ocean with me and has gone 2 or 3 more times before the ocean started getting too cold. I’m back on crutches now so it will be a while before I can get him out again, but I did start building a board for him. I need to get it finished before his b-day in April. did your girlfriend ever get used to that new Stewart she had?

no girl friend any more…nursing school is keeping her way busy…no time 4 her to surf…