Looking for a Mini Simmons to try in San Diego before shaping/glassing my own

If anyone in San Diego has a good Mini Simmons I could try for a couple days, or even just a session, I’d really appreciate it. I’ve gotten the bug to shape and glass another board and these boards are looking waaay fun, but I’d like to try one first to get some ideas.  Ideally, I’d like to try something in the 5’2-5-8" range.  I could hand off a Cambell Brothers Octafisf for collateral…I could meet anywhere between Ocean Beach(SD) and Leucadia to swap or go for a surf…Let me know.  Thanks in advance.

Hello Tenover ,

Surf4fins has a really nice pro built Mini. I sent him a text...yes , we can set up a test ride. He's down at my place about once a month. Send Tim a PM or reply to this post ................



Thanks Ray-

That would be perfect!   I can meet you guys up there at your local break…Let me know the time and place.

heya, we can set something up. What's your schedule this weekend??? Hopefully they'll be surf!

I’m open.  I can be there whenever, just let me know.  Thanks again.

Hey Tenover,

I got one loaned out to a friend up in LA, I should be getting it back this weekend.  Mine is 6’0" and it’s fun, like to see what you think of it.  I got one in the racks out in the garage that I need to glass, when it’s done you’re more than welcome to ride it too, It’s 5’8".

Get back to me next week if you’re interested.




Any chance of hooking up Saturday morning, pretty early?  I have to be at an event for my daughter at 11, so the earlier the better…If not, Sunday would work…Otherwise it’ll have to be after Thanksgiving.  Let me know.  Thanks again.

I would steal Tim’s board and not return it until sufficient amounts of guacamole were supplied.

But that’s just me.