Looking for a planer

My son is learning. hook it up!

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What’s your budget? I have a brand new Modified Makita I would like to sell.

Are you still looking? I have planers and other tools for sale.

Nice, where are you selling this at? In the United States?

Yes I am in the United States Huntington Beach California and I still have this planer brand new never used.

Oh sweet, can I shoot you an email about it? -Nick

Yeah definitely my email address is iriesurfs@yahoo.com :call_me_hand:t4:

I’m currently working on exact replicas of the modifieds Hitachi
if someone interested, DM me

I have 4 Skil 100s and every tool for shaping for sale.

I have 4 Skill 100s and every tool needed to shape any kind of board.