Looking for a used Makita/Clark foam planer body

I was refurbishing my Makita planer… new bearings and brushes, the modified depth handle etc. and on the first test run I guess I didn’t tighten one blade enough and boom!! It came loose, caught on something inside the shroud, shot out a few chunks of plastic and cracked the plastic body is a few places. I haven’t yet disassembled it to see if I can possibly epoxy glue it into a workable body again but in the mean time I thought I ask.
Does anyone have an old Makita/Clark Foam style planer that they don’t need because it’s broken, or old or for some other reason isn’t usable to you any more and they would like to sell it? All I need is a usable body, I have everything else in good shape.
Thank you all and aloha

Hi Billy, sorry to hear this, glad you are OK. Which model number of Hitachi are you looking for?

I would be looking for the Hitachi P20SB model.