Looking for Creative Surfboard Websites

Been searching for websites that have unique resin work, creative board designs, foam designs, or other creative add-ins or add ons that make their boards different? Any one have any other sites that they get ideas from besides the few I placed below? Trying to find the most unique and creative. Not the same old thing. Anyone seen anything unique?

(hope I don’t dredge up the ole penguin thing!)





Who wants to know?

Put in your profile details!!!




check the resources , too …

Come on Chipfish one website US west coast, one US east coast, one french but no creative surfboard websites on the whole continent/country of Australia? I know you Aussies have some good ones. Quite hiding the goods. Give it up!



oh okay then …


…and , both of M.P.'s sites …

www.moonrocket.com ,



…there ya go mate , don’t say us aussies don’t ever do anything for our american brothers eh ? eh ?

…cheers !


the raspberry cordial is knocking at my door…

Gregg - here’s a guy, in Jacksonville, FLA, no less, who’s website I’ve admired before for its variety…

I mean, check it out…he’s sitting with shorts, longs, fish, eggs, bonzers, a mat, and a freaking Gemini or three…

I think you should call the guy up & come back & tell us what the heck he’s up to!


go surfermag.com/ visit their forum

http://www.surfermag.com/community (click on message board might be this link but it could change:

http://forum.surfermag.com/…m/ubbthreads.php?Cat= copy and past the link . . . you need the = sign at the end but for some reason the hyper link doesn’t include it.)

but you missed the main plethora of pics since they are missing but moonlight’s rocking.

Do a search for moonlight glassing. you can do search here also; here’s the mondo thread with lots of examples of what I’m talking about:


http://www.allaboutsurf.com/…/articles/moonlight/ is another one


Mystic Surfboards owner Jim Dunlop is a Swaylocks contributor.



these are always fun to check once and a while…




“Been searching for websites that have unique resin work, creative board designs, foam designs, or other creative add-ins or add ons that make their boards different?”

Did you look in the photo resources? Do a Swaylocks search? ,Archives?

Search “speedneedle” , “shipman”, “resin swirl”, “foam dsign”.

Look close at the board being sanded in Hero’s post. I known who shaped that one ! (no, I did not glass it)

Swaylocks.com has what you need.

Thanks Gregg,

Forgive me, I’ve just become wary of people who won’t give their details after reading posts by a sales rep blatantly plugging his wares…

Anyway, I am a bit of an Airbrush specialist mysel, if I may say so. Check out my site:- www.speedneedle.com.au

and:- http://www.AllAboutSurf.com/0411/articles/dowling/index.php



hi gregg,

        i have a few creative things going on. some are at <a href="http://www.diversesurf.com.au" class="bb-url">www.diversesurf.com.au</a> 

enjoy, Dave





The guy in Jax is Jim Dunlop. Nice guy and good shaper. Mystic surfboards. One of the boards face down is the First Pot Belly micro nugget from my site. Of course Geoff is not going to be too awful happy to see old Jim copied it. Jim likes the Horan shapes. Like myself, been a fan for years. Has the coolest logo in Jax and pretty cool in any respect. Jim can surf as well.

Thanks, Peter & Dale…I figured a guy like that would be known. Too bad he doesn’t have time to chime in here a little more.

I’m growing quite attracted to the Nugget-style shapes. Oneula just brought me some more 8’ long bamboo…since a 10’ is out with that stuff, maybe I’ll drift more towards 6.5-7’ with it…

My friend John in Bolinas also uses the Mystic Surfboards handle. http://www.surfmystic.com/

He just made me a 10’1 with one of his last Clark blanks…said he wanted to pass them around to a few who’d appreciate them. I didn’t mind :slight_smile:

That’s John, not me…

Herb Spitz needs to create a surfing site for the innercity youths in L.A. . He’s King in my world and has saved many kids from going down the gutter like so many gang ridden street punks have here in L.A…

Oh yeah, Benny…thanks for the DVDs. I should have told you earlier, but my boy was being born. How is the Horan riding? I just had one shaped for myself. Just like it.

Tracy…not to be steppin out of line,here…you gonna pay for it?