Looking for info on surfboard

i bought this board in bradenton, FL sometime between 1998 and 2001. i was young back then. i recently got it back from my parents and i am working on repairing it. i was wondering if anyone could tell me more about this type, shaper or shape? i have more images if needed. it has glassed on three fins. it has a clark foam core and was shaped by joe shriver. its serial number is 64-4602-764 and the other info writen on the board is: 11 1/2" x 19 1/4" x 14 1/4". also on the bottom is two dolfins with cursive script “Grosskreutz Glass”
some more text on it says “JOE SHEIVER SHAPES”

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I actually owned and rode a Spectrum, but that was soooo long ago I’ve forgotten everything about it other than that I had one. Gonna guess it was the mid '80s? I lived on Long Island at the time. I’m sure someone around here will chime up eventually.

Love that board, esp. with the prominent Clark Foam logo…

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Made in Indiatlantic Florida.Glassed by Fredie Grosskreutz who worked for many of the manufactures in the 70’s and 80’s, before moving to Australia and had a family before passing away in the last 5 years. Unfortunately Spectrum owner (Joe Sheiver) has tragically passed away this year.