Looking for Larry Mabile...

Does anyone have current contact info. for Larry? Please PM me. I’ve tried some of the email addresses, but no response.

The best way to get ahold of me is my office line,


also, my shaping room is at

4941 Pacific Highway

San Diego, CA 92110

my website is larrymabilesurfboards.com

and email is thirdworldexotic@gmail.com

Larry, never knew you were on this site. I just want to take the opportunity to interject: I own a 5’8" twin-keel you shaped under the “Basic Element” label. That board changed my life by opening up my eyes regarding the way I “see” and ride waves. It is one of those “magic boards” that will never be sold or traded. Thank you, sincerely.

Fknaye Larmo, well done.