Looking for Shapers

Haha, burn! You’re right, that thread died too. I wasn’t messing with you, just wondering if there was any more progress on the board.

With all the unglassed and unsanded blanks I have piled up in front of me, and my day job;  that old Hansen with a “T” scribbled on it is the least of my concerns.

Then why did you start a post about it?

Why not?   I see threads start on this site all the time that spend a period of time inactive and wind up 2 or 3 pages under.  Then the poster picks it up when he gets the time and continues on.  Other times a thread will just die out for whatever reason.  Then somebody will bump it up for some reason.  Thrillkill will eventually bump his thread to the top.  But not because I offered to document him on film actually shaping.  My thread will come back when I get the time for it.  Do you have a job?  Go to school?  You might consider a hobby.  

Hopefully no one gets me wrong about JP’s apprentices.  If they put their mind to it and learn from Jim they will make good Shapers.  But I don’t think time is that important in their apprenticeship.  Therefore a shape off doesn’t prove anything.  If time wasn’t part of it; Scott could send each invited shaper home with a blank a month before the Board Show.  They would be turned in Friday of the Show and judged over the weekend…