Looking for Shapers

I just saw a Pop up on FB for the Surf Expo 2019 shape off. They are looking for Shapers to enter the Shape Off. Dates areJan10 -12. Oh there is prize money involved. 

Scott learned a good lesson about putting the call out. Don’t. 

While it was entertaining it was almost a joke. Only 2 or 3 boards were even completed to the point of being called a surfboard and able to judge. 

It was quite a insight into the smoke and mirrors some people use. 


…while you are right, remember that J Phillips himself had a problem with the time.

I am with J P, that to shape a great customized board tooks more than an hour and a half. With all the steps.

I remember here a clip posted by Kazuma where he s shaping an small shortboard, fast, but that is not a custom shape, only following lines and predictable measurements, plus that assuming that the blank has no any problem etc

Add only one light good stringer and simple finish on the nose, then that you can do that with a few boards, because after a while, you are burnt.

I know about these.

I have seen a number of these shap offs held in Orlando Florida. Ricky Carrol runs them. All the Shapers finished their Boards. All were Blind Judged by Carrol and the the Original Shaper of the Board being copied.  The winner is anonced and gets the prize money. Seems like the Shapers had a good time. 

Most of those shaping were Florida based  Shapers. Thought I would put this out there see if some people from Other areas would like to compet.

Yeah I bet you do.  So can you do one a week?   One of your boards next to a Kazuma would be sad.

While there are many very good shapers on the East Coast;  Ricky Carrol is probably the best.

…Mcding, no reading comprehension, no semantics; only keyboard warrior spitting out venom.

Just the facts ma’am.  I do a pretty nice pro level Shortboard,  but I wouldn’t consider my shape to be in the same class as a Kazuma.  Must be hell being the best shaper on Earth that noboy’s Ever heard of.

Yeah what do I know?

E who My only reason for posting this up is that this is an event that Ricky Carrol organizes they pick a shape from the past then you compete to see who can recreate that shape. The one event I recall was shaping a Greg Loher semi gun from around 1978. It’s a chance to meet others with a passion for hand shaping.  Maybe stop over for a few days in Orlando and then head to Puerto Rica. 

Of course this turns into a pissing match.

Why bother

…Artz, of course; you are here from a while so you know how s the thing with Mcding, letting this forum deserted little by little.

I never proclaimed anything and always try to bring up professional advice.

Kazuma is good but 90% of his shapes are machined and the crew do the glass work.

I mentioned the that video, because happens exactly the same as I described and I mentioned to him in a comment too. Not saying that he s not a good shaper.

He can shape a small HP following the lines fast and J Phillips could not do it a custom in the shapers competition…so is he better shaper than Phillips?


R Carroll is a great shaper, he cuts the six channels with the planer without aids, but he s not from the right area of California, that s what s important for the marketing.

That s a thing that Mcding cannot understand.

Reverb, I agree.  

And Ricky is probably the best.  And he won the west coast shape-off three years in a row and retired?

But speed does not equal best. I love Kazumas work and tutuorials.  He is top notch.  But I would value a board from Jim Phillips far more. Actually treasure it.

all the best to ya

Yeah I would love to go to the EC.  Had a friend from Melbourne Beach that told me a great deal about the place.  Always wanted to go.  Used to want to go to PR.  But the stories after the Hurricane have discouraged me.  HI the 808 are easier for me and safer.  Sorry about your thread.  I just don’t care for pompous know it alls and bad ingles

To my knowledge Jim Phillips has never shaped in a Shape Off at the Board Room Show in Del Mar or Santa Cruz.  Correct me if I am wrong.  He was a Judge in the builds that Roger Hinds, Andrenni and Cooper participated in and Gene Cooper won.  Forget what they called that one?   All the Shapers Scott has used in the past were known and had reputations as shapers.  The time limit is the problem.   For some of the “ Boutiquue Shapers” anything less than four hours is too little time.   I was actually surprised that last years winner was able to pull it off in the alotted time. Who was he?  Ryan Burch?  I get the guy from Santa Barbara and the guy from North San Diego Co. mixed up. Couple of “Trustafarians” that probably never worked a day in their Millennial life.  If you are a professional shaper; the time you spend on each blank gets into dollars and cents.  Shapers that have spent time doing production for companies like Lost, CI, Rusty, Sharp Eye etc. usually have no problem doing a shaped blank by hand in two hours or less.  “Scrubbers” have problems because even if they started out as Hand Shapers they have done so little start to finish hand shaping over the last few years with the advent of CNC that they are out of practice.  The Phillips apprentice’s have pretty much been flops because the clock has nothing to do with their tutorship.  I may not be 100% in what I have said here because I don’t spend much time anymore in the OC or North County, but pretty damned close.

Your knowledge is incomplete.      Jim Phillips in fact HAS competed in the shape off, at the Del Mar event.       I was there, I saw him in action.

Rincon PR the setting for the 1968 world titles was not hit that hard by the Hurricane.  Puerto Rica needs the tourist dollars to help rebuild. I’m looking at doing a quick trip down there.  Flights and lodging are not that expensive. Just putting this out there. PR isn’t Hawaii the swells are not as consistant.  When it is on the the size and power. 

Ricky Carroll has a big operation here in Florida. His glass shop is top notch. He not only produces his own label but he has license to produce Takayamas, Town and Country, I think he still has an agreement with Surfboards Hawaii.  He glasses other Boards for some top notch local Shapers like Stu Sharpe. 

Now I have to get back to work. Bought a fixer and it is slowly coming together. 


I should have my studio for art and an area I can use to shape a few of boards.  Should be ready in the spring IIt has been a long long time since I had a planer in my hands.



Hey McDing, whatever happened to the thread in which you were fixing up the old Thrailkill board?

Same thing that happened to the “Dos Puercos” thread.