looking for someone to make me a cool LOGO!

any body knows a good artist. i will pay what ever its worth!






email me at louisrobert@gmx.com

Try 99designs.com 


Louis, I sent you an email. 

sent you an email…sounds like fun!




Check  that guy out.

do it yourself even if you’re no pro!

it’ll speak more to you personally and be something special to you for a loooong long time :slight_smile:

nahh… i want something sick! no homemade stuff!!   thats why i am seaking some talent here on Sway!!


thanks everyone!




 While we're at it.   I'm looking for someone to do a drawing of obummer for me  Political cartoon type drawing for a silk screen.  Something along the lines of the pin the tail on the donkey type thing seen at birthday parties.