Looking to make a board from scratch and I know nothing.

Yes I know it will be VERY hard and will probably take forever to complete. I get that it probably wont even be good enough to ride/work, but I gotta start somewhere. 

Does anyone have any threads, videos, links, anything that can help me get started?

Everything is much appreciated : ) 



JC Shaping 101. I think it’s on you tube now.  Mike

You are in he right place.  Swaylocks is a goldmine of info.  Search the forums and you will find great info about every step in the board building process.  Check out Greenlight Surf Supply website.  They have a great instructional section that goes over the board building process.  Talk to the people that you get your supplies from.  If you call Foam EZ or Greenlight and order supplies from them they will def give you pointers.  Also watch lots of Youtube videos because seeing how things are done is very useful.  Do lots of Homework before your build and take your time.  Dont rush on your first go round.  Good luck.  

See if there is someone in your area that can mentor you.  They can guide you through the rough spots and answer your questions and doubts.  Keep a positive attitude and do the best that you can.  Whatever you build will be rideable just strive to make the next one better.

Yes, where are you located


Buy a kit or take a lesson.




I started with the greenlight kit with epoxy. Highly reccomend. They made YouTube video for the kit too.