Hey guys. I inherited this board from an uncle who passed away, along a couple other retro boards. I had no idea he used to surf, and, as he has passed away, no idea if this Lopez board is authentic, It certainly has seen a good amount of use. I think it is about 6’8-7’ (I don’t have a measuring tape handy)
I’ve read up on Gerry’s signatures on his boards. I know that many were made in California and many Hawaii grown Bolts were made by other shapers in Hawaii. My Bolt is signed (I think on rice paper) “Lopez…Rocky Point.” Rocky Point is one of the best surf spots on the north shore of Oahu located in between Pipe and Sunset.
First question: Is this board an authentic Bolt shaped by the legend himself?
Second: Is it worthwhile to restore? It has had multiple repairs but still has a ton of pressure dents on the top and bottom, several open dings on the rails, and the nose is completely exposed. How much would a restoration cost, and does anyone have any go-to guys on Oahu?
My “educated” guess would be that Don Koplien was the glasser on that board. He glassed more than a few of Gerry’s boards in the early to mid bolt days. I always liked his glass jobs.
As to whether or not Gerry shaped the board, so hard to know. I do not think I have ever seen a rice paper signature like this one, with the “Rocky Point” on it, but may have been built after I bailed to the outer islands. I do know that Don was a “ghost” shaper for some of the “Lopez” bolt’s, so he may well be the shaper of this board.