...Lost Rocket

Looking at the lost rocket thruster set up, it looks like the fin cluster is pushed a bit more forward than a standard thruster.  What’s everyones take on this, where are you putting the fins at, dims?



I found this on another forum from lost when I was trying to find dimensions.

“fin up at 4.25” from the tail! (fronts at normall
11")…Crazy fin placement actually. We have since moved it back to
3.75-4" up)"


it seems from browsing this thread that nobody is really talking about the rocker on this board, now from what ive heard, it has an abnormal amount of tail rocker that is straightened out by a deep concave. does anyone have a rocker profile for this? at what point should the tail rocker start? the nose should be low entry correct?

I’m unclear of the rocker that lost uses.  But I’ve heard the same as you, low entry rocker and a substantial amount of tail rocker.  Maybe someone can shed some light on this.

SC, where can I see a pic of the asymetrical?  thx



not very illuminating, but a start

Rocker on the 6’0" is 2.5 in the tail and 4.25 in the nose.  Wide single concave to the rails.

thats almost exactly what i was thinking, thanks man

No prob, one thing you might want to note is the board doesnt scale up equally like you would think it would.  I just finished making a 6’0" x 19 3/4 x 2 3/8 version of it which was mirrored from a store copy.  Not sure what lost was doing to scale the board up, but the basic formula  doesnt work on it if your trying to keep it true to their dimensions.

im more interested in the concept than staying true


mine came out like this


Geez, what  bunch of pirates! (LOL). No wonder Mitch from Oz on the" Looking for Distributor for Chinese Board Factory" is laughing his ass off!


copy the world


I have one and I also had my local shaper knock one off with a more round tail and it came out great. Rocket is a super sick board for knee to over head if it’s scaled down right. I want 3 or 4 shaped different for different waves.  

Wow! I had no idea people were so blatent about copying other peoples work! Guess it is the highest form of flattery! Has anyone seen pride? Seems he’s lost!! Haha



when all the old fellas are gone you can thank them for leaving you a never ending line of plan shapes to copy round&round

 but just because you copy an image of an outline. yer chances of putting the rest together is zilch’’

pick up your skill 100  hitachi or whatever & start cutting foam watch a video of someone whos done it all

**like ( jim phillips) keep practicing youl either have it or you wont’ ( bad shit go mow lawns)

Hi, not sure how similar these are to the original, just based the outlines on the rocket ones posted here, does that get me off being a blatant copier? :slight_smile:

Heres the completed board and its cousin, I pulled the tail in and shaped a thruster as well. Water tested it today and the board sure does fly down the line!

Had a few issues with the thruster, tail was spinning out on me on a couple of top turns, couldnt put this down to the board entirely but had a thought it may be due to the straightness of the rail line on the tail? Anyone with more knowledge got any thoughts on that?

Most likely down to the way I surf, especially with frozen feet after an hours water time!, bring on warmer water…

heres the pics:



with inspiration comes progress, to make a blatant copy of a real lost rocket would take MANY years of shaping.  nobody is shaping these and slapping lost logos on them and selling them for 200 dollars.  i started shaping so i could ride as many boards as humanly possible, why not start with a concept and expand on it.





right on...i dont see too many boards on here that are not copies or very close to copies of other boards that have come before it especially the outlines and rockers...there are exceptions...a lot of the originality it seems to me comes in board construction teqhniques and materials used...also fin placement, type of fins, types of rails and concaves etc...its all about making something that is your own...it might not ride like a "...lost rocket" it may ride better or it may ride worse...but you made it and surf it and it didnt cost $700...hell $700 could get you a quiver of unique boards and whenever you paddle out someone can ask...how much did you pay for that rocket and you can say...what rocket?  oh you mean the board?  i made it...why did someone copy my board and mass produce it or something?  i hate it when that happens

This copying this is laughable.  So who is getting credit for all the fish copies on here?  Lost just has an outline that is popular right now, which looks a lot like the bali board in morning of the earth, just with some modern touches. 



morning of the earth bali board....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (in a homer simpson voice)