anyone have a set these controllers they want to part ways with? getting a board shaped right now and will be experimenting with different futures quad setups. it's a mini simmons type board, and from research, seems like these fins may be winners. also interested in the tyler warren quads.
If it helps, I have part of a set of future controller quads. I have the front two fins and one of the back two. The other back was sacrificed to the coral gods. PM me if interested in the front. I will say the back fin design is pretty nice, and I haven't been able to find rear fins like that sold seperately.
thanks, think i found a pair used. what quad fins do you run now?
I have a set of the Tyler warren quads in a mini Simmons inspired board & they re awesome fins.
i had a set of the futures controllers which are similar to the lost seaworthy fins on a short stubby board with a large tail & found the front fins too big. I preferred a normal set of thruster front fins & with controller rears.
tyler warren fronts combined with seaworthy rears might work a treat.