lunar eclipse

Try not to miss the total lunar eclipse tonight. Supposed to start around 7:30 Pacific time in California. Mike

Best I can do with my $200 lens…Its better in person. Taken around !0:15 Eastern, its just starting here.


Sweet photos. Keep them coming if you can. I’m looking at a lot of cloud cover in California. I’ll print them if it’s ok with you and show them to my Kinders who’s homework tonight is to stay up late enough to see some of it and draw me a picture. I’ve got them all fired up about it. Parents, too I think. Mike

Full eclipse 10:45 EST

10:55 eastern. Cool shot of full eclipse flanked by Saturn and Regulus.


Couple minutes before the eclipse (different camera settings, obviously)

Cool. Didn’t know what those star-like celestial bodies were…this is technically still full eclipse.


11:55 eastern. Cool shot of full eclipse flanked by Saturn and Regulus.


I can’t keep up with that…you are posting pics from the future, man!!!

I’m good but not that good…approx 10:55 is what it should have read if I wasnt a dum dum.


Isn’t that called a penumbral eclipse?

We had a total eclipse up here in Montreal.

Unfortunately I don’t have a good enough camera for night shooting.

Isn't that called a penumbral eclipse?

We had a total eclipse up here in Montreal.

Unfortunately I don’t have a good enough camera for night shooting.

No, it is full…just differential brightness across the surface. You would be able to tell easily if I shot the pre-eclipse and eclipse shots with the same settings, but then you could not see the moon.

A little bit late: 8pm (Pacific time) from Pasadena

cool stuff gentlemen

sorry I cannot contribute


Thanks for the pics, very nice btw… It was foggy out in my neck of the woods…didn’t see a thing…


ya i saw that ! realy cool. nice clear sky up here

Great pics,was out snowmobiling this arvo,when we witnessed fhis amazing display.Pretty special!!

thanks for the pics guys. it was predictably too cloudy/foggy here in pacifica to see it.

thanks for the pics guys. it was predictably too cloudy/foggy here in pacifica to see it.

Just one of the small advantages to moving to a surfless landloacked bumf3ck nowhere…

Great shots guys. Anyone have objections to me copying them and showing them to my Kindergarteners just say so and I’ll stay off them. Mike

Those were planets pretty sure. Their light was very stable… I saw the same from here. You know, people in the Interior here still freak out at that kind of stuff. Especially the tribals. I had a friends up in the Interior once during a full solar eclipse, and during that dark/twilight period, he saw some indians all huddled under this small bus stop outside a town. they were trying to stay out of the strange light cast by the ecclipse, in the shadow of the roof, thinking that light was evil… so he explained.


Didn’t know what those star-like celestial bodies were