
I have some 16mm footage of “Madden” shot at Swami’s, probably mid-60’s.  I was there with Surfboards Hawaii’s John Price taking stills.  Doesn’t seem correct but, was Madden’s first name “Sid?” Bruce Veluuzi was also there…

there was a micky madden too,

was he a goofy foot?

did he take a hundred and fifty steps to the nose fast?

came north with joe tarentino and mike burner to visit and surf 

pedro like 64’ or there abouts ,cross polinated the peanut gallery

with skillful surfin’.


I would have to say it was Sid Madden. He was one of the stand out Surfers at Swamis. He was also a pretty good shaper. I first met Sid when he was working at Sunset Surfboards.  He shaped a board that I really loved it was purple and Yellow looked like a big Easter Egg.  It was about 6'8" as I recall.

Sydney Madden------Very good surfer and shaper. 

Valuzzi was a damn good surfer in his own right. I knew him casually from Winters I spent down in Cocoa Beach. He was a decent writer, too. Died much too young.

Holy crap…didn’t expect any answers…got three…(!) This guy is regular foot. Good switch-footer though. Didn’t “pedal” like Dewey Weber. HUGE wide stance on cutbacks. “Sid” shaped and rode for John Price at Surfboard Hawaii…that’s why we were filming him. He and Bruce Veluzzi were built so much alike, and the film being not-so-sharp anymore…not sure. Think I’ll be going with, “Sid.”

HEY>>>>thanx for the comments

Holy crap…didn’t expect any answers…got three…(!) This guy is regular foot. Good switch-footer though. Didn’t “pedal” like Dewey Weber. HUGE wide stance on cutbacks. “Sid” shaped and rode for John Price at Surfboard Hawaii…that’s why we were filming him. He and Bruce Veluzzi were built so much alike, and the film being not-so-sharp anymore…not sure. Think I’ll be going with, “Sid.”

HEY>>>>thanx for the comments

I know that he was still shaping thru the '80’s and was around in the '90’s.  North County(SD) local.  He shaped a couple of blanks for a friend of mine by the name of Chris Nichols.  Chris brought them up to Pismo, where I lived at the time and glassed them in the shed I had out back.  Great looking shortboards for the late '80’s.  He had to be pretty well recognized by his peers etc. as he was asked to shape a plug for Clark and did so.

Syd or Sid was shaping boards with Ed Wright and Al Merrick at Surfboards Hawaii?  Like I said that was before i moved to Encinitas .

 After he left Sunset He made some boards in Hawaii under the Fresh Pineapple label. For a couple of years he was back and forth from Calif and Hawaii Sometime later He sold the Fresh Pineapple logo to Bill Shrosbree I think he and Bill were working together Not sure since I lost touch. I heard he was managing a golf course or something like that in Palm Springs area.

Yeah Madden, Shrosbee and Flecky.  All peers from that era and all sort of out of the same mold.

If anybody knows how Madden can be reached; contact info etc.  PM me.  Lowel

Mc Ding I have no idea lost touch with him a long long time ago. 


We were having some kind of Longboard contest at the Pismo Pier in the very late 90’s.  I was up on the Pier and a young woman asked me if I knew Sid Madden.  I said I knew of him and that he and I had a mutual friend(Chris).  She told me that he was her Uncle and that he was hanging with family on the beach.  I checked later, but didn’t see her on the beach.  I wouldn’t have known him if I did see him.  Another guy out of that era who wound up on Maui was Les Potts.  Potts was Ole’s CNC machine for quite a few years…

I have a late 60’s Sid Madden Board for sale. I believe it is a 8’6". He custom snapped it for my husband ( Sid was his ex- brother-in-law). My husband recently passed and I have no use for it. I am in Dana Point (near Doheny). I am asking $300 for it. Please e-mail if you are interested.