One man’s magic is another man’s poison.
What makes for a magic board is entirely personal coming from your perspective and needs, not anyone else’s.
I have made and ridden many boards over the decades, and whether I made the board or someone else did, all of them possessed one important criteria common to all of them. On any given day the boards perfectly matched the way I approached surfing at my highest level.
Since everyone has different approaches to how they surf in many different waves situations, one has to decide how they apply the term magic. Maybe my 7’0" roundtail is magic in overhead Rincon but not so in 3 ft. windswell.
It’s ridiculous to stamp magic on a board because a "big name’ shaper created it. Case in point, eons ago a famous shaper created a board for Curren. He was THE MAN of the era. That board was taken and MOLDED because TC said it was his magic board. They even molded the dents in the deck from where HE turned and createdthe dents.
Was it a worldwide success?
Did you see these boards in droves at beaches worldwide?
Different body types, stances, individual approaches to wave riding. We just aren’t all the same.
I rode a Bonzer when they were all the rage and although it worked well for what it was, it wasn’t my ideal surfing. It delivered too much control for me. I was into Gerry Lopez inspired controlled slideslips and freefalls for fun and stalling purposes. My best surfing has always been those days when I am surfing more by instinct than anything else… on the fine edge of going out of control, but just a thread exists. That’s when exciting things happen. I pulled a full carving 360 turn back in 1972, (at Jalama), and it was quite by accident…I was actually whipping a super hard frontside kickout when I came around further than I thought I would, and the lip did the rest for me.
Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised (and got all the credit instead of Mother Nature, from onlookers).
Did that make my board “magic”?
I’d have to say a board that can ‘read your mind’ so to speak, and take you exactly where you want to go on any wave on any given day, is as magic as they come.
Give that board a hug, and the shaper who created it a big thank you.