
Any results with the flow tank for fin testing? I’d be interested in reading of any developments.

Any results with the flow tank for fin testing? I’d be interested in > reading of any developments. John, I’ve had a busy month, the Teamsters decided that they are getting a good deal so I am able to continue with the tank on a more regular basis. Here is where it is at: What started as a small project took on a life of its own. In order to get some good empirical results I had to devise some form of measurement that took into consideration the MANY variables that I hadn’t taken the time to really think through. Lateral turbulence from the flow has been an issue. I had some problems with water flow and controlling the speed. (I may just need to build a bigger tank…) I used a few different pumps that are not variable and are not giving me what (I think) I need. The tank itself is waterproof and seems to be watertight so far. I am having different thoughts on the method that I am using to pierce the water and measure the different effects of foil. The method used to affix the fin to the faux board bottom is causing me some issues as well. I would like to be able to change fins easily and quickly and ensure that the bond is solid. From a different angle I am debating on the best method to create the different foils that I have questions with. Speed and replicability are important to me. Remember my brother? Well he decided against the fellowships offered to him by Penn St. and Columbia in favor of Colorado where he will be working with the Nobel Prize winner for Physics. He is going to do his Post Grad work on supercooled fluids and he is going to have all sorts of access to real good brains and recording instruments. He was driving across the country with that 8’ Egg that Noodle et. al. helped me with on top of a U-Haul Truck . People didn’t know what to make of it. Anyway, he is coming to Cali next weekend and we will brainstorm the tank some more when he gets here. I am going to get him to help me with the various methods of recording and measuring results. I am also going to get him to get additional brainpower playing with my project. Bottom line John is that I SUCKED at Physics! The project is slow going what with a heavy workload and (at times) decent waves. I have a little skill in operations, negotations, business plans, marketing etc but this is way out of my league. I am very open to suggestions and ideas, so feel free… This was way longer that I anticipated. Magoo P.S. Ramon, The glassing is getting a little better but you still wouldn’t want my help hermano cause I still blow! How is that noserider coming along? M

Magoo! que pasa, chico? …no hay problema about the glassing, man! how are you with the sandpaper?? just kidding…you are welcome in my 105 degree garage as an honored guest anytime! i’m ready to shape ‘large marge’…i’ll cut into her before the weekend. i’m a little bit dreading it cause it’s so freakin hot. nice to hear from you, magoo!>>> Ramon, The glassing is getting a little better but you still wouldn’t want > my help hermano cause I still blow! How is that noserider coming along?>>> M

I haven’t a clue how to set up a testing tank. I’ve thought of little calibrated dial strain guages to measure resistance but nothing I can think of actually replicates the dynamics of actual surfing where weight shifts fore and aft as well as side to side, body torque, timing, positioning, wave judgement and all of that enter the equation. That’s what makes “drawing board” design and test tanks problematic. I was re-reading some old posts and just wondered if you had come up with anything on your end.

I haven’t a clue how to set up a testing tank. I’ve thought of little > calibrated dial strain guages to measure resistance but nothing I can > think of actually replicates the dynamics of actual surfing where weight > shifts fore and aft as well as side to side, body torque, timing, > positioning, wave judgement and all of that enter the equation. That’s > what makes “drawing board” design and test tanks problematic. I > was re-reading some old posts and just wondered if you had come up with > anything on your end. My teeth hurt just thinking about how difficult it would be to set up that scenario! My line of thought is one of gathering information on the results of different foil shapes and sizes on a stand alone basis. To put it another way would be to see how a ‘Blackhawk’ type foil responds to increased water flow Vs. your standard foil. Or to examine the results in lift and turbulence as foil thickness is changed as well as moved fore and aft. It’s funny, when I started surfing I didn’t even think about the small surfboards attached to the bottom of my board. I was more interested in the color scheme and outline of the board. It took about 6 years before I even started thinking of the fins or bottom contour as having any impact (ignorant bliss I guess). Nowadays I see currents, contours, waves and foils in everyday items. There is a great hedge in my neighborhood that curves out over the sidewalk. My son and I drag a hand whenever we skateboard past it… I am open to any line of inspiration that you may have John. Ultimately there are many epiphanies to be shared on this BB. Thank you for remembering and giving me the opportunity to clarify where I am at with the project for myself. I actually called my brother last night and we spent 1/2 hour discussing it, so thanks for helping me think about it! Magoo 2 to 3 foot this morning at HB.

…jumping into the general discussion pool. John, have you gotten that air bag wet yet? Any feedback on the ride. Have had two really fun sessions on mine and finding a permanent place for it in the quiver. Que paso? Tom S.>>> I haven’t a clue how to set up a testing tank. I’ve thought of little > calibrated dial strain guages to measure resistance but nothing I can > think of actually replicates the dynamics of actual surfing where weight > shifts fore and aft as well as side to side, body torque, timing, > positioning, wave judgement and all of that enter the equation. That’s > what makes “drawing board” design and test tanks problematic. I > was re-reading some old posts and just wondered if you had come up with > anything on your end.

Tom - Still a virgin. I broke a toe and fins are a pain.

That hurts! The only toe I have ever broken was surf related. It was while I was still in school, the dawn patrol ride was outside honking while I was checking out the inside of my eyelids. I woke up running, made the turn in the kitchen and POW! kicked the wooden stool by the door. Broke my little toe. It was winter, I made the session that morning and the cold water masked a really swollen and black and blue toe when I pulled off my bootie. Tom S.>>> Tom - Still a virgin. I broke a toe and fins are a pain.

That hurts! The only toe I have ever broken was surf related. It was while > I was still in school, the dawn patrol ride was outside honking while I > was checking out the inside of my eyelids. I woke up running, made the > turn in the kitchen and POW! kicked the wooden stool by the door. Broke my > little toe. It was winter, I made the session that morning and the cold > water masked a really swollen and black and blue toe when I pulled off my > bootie.>>> Tom S. You guys are a bunch of whining little pusses.I once slammed a door in a fit of anger and it went across my foot and ripped the nail on my big toe right off.I cry just to think about it.That is real pain you Wimps.Ha!

You guys are a bunch of whining little pusses.I once slammed a door in a > fit of anger and it went across my foot and ripped the nail on my big toe > right off.I cry just to think about it.That is real pain you Wimps.Ha! Try dropping a cinder block on your big toe sometime. And have it land on the corner, not a flat side… YOW. Six cold beers chugged and it still hurt like a mother.

Try dropping a cinder block on your big toe sometime. And have it land on > the corner, not a flat side… YOW. Six cold beers chugged and it still > hurt like a mother. Youch!!!I can forsee a sadistic string coming…I am not going to instigate it any more unless you Jokers start it first.Youch!Owee!Shiiiiiit!911…911…911.

I can’t stand all this pain. I’m a sniveling, whining pussy… can we please stop now before it gets really gory?

I can’t stand all this pain. I’m a sniveling, whining pussy… can we > please stop now before it gets really gory? My thoughts exactly but I bet this stuff goes on.It is kinda funny.

My thoughts exactly but I bet this stuff goes on.It is kinda funny. This sounds like the scene in jaws where they are sitting around talking about their scars… Mark