Mainland mexico

I am looking to go to troncones in july, “near ixtapa” I was wondering if i could get more info on the breaks around this area i have heard of saladita and the ranch being the two of most interest, Does anyone have any past experience at these breaks. Also where to paddle out at / and directions from hwy 200 that would be great thanks _josh

 Howzit josh,I've surfed both the Ranch and Saladitas, fun waves but finding them might not be the easiest thing to do. I understand you can drive into the Ranch now, we had to take a boat in 98 but had lots of fun since we were the only ones there. You can rent palapas at Saladitas now and there is a couple of places to eat there. The ranch is more like a beach break where as Saladitas is a point type wave that on the right swell is probably one of the longest waves there is, the length of the ride depends on how far up the point you paddle, 200 yard rides are considered short there. One thing is to surf eary since the area can blow out by 10 in the morning. We went in June or July and were lucky as far as the wind goes, stayed glassy to semi glassy til about 12 or 1 oclock. If you run across a surfer girl named Marla tell her mike from Kauai says hi, but watch out she can be a real B*&$h in the water.The only thing I can tell you about finding Saladitas is to turn towards the ocean when you get to the little town of Llanos and ask for directions to the beach. Aloha,Kokua

I just returned from saladita and it was nice. A long VERY SOFT left. We got it to 4’ max. Bigger I bet it’e great. Good food and surroundings. We took a boat up the coast to other spots @ 20.- per person. Fun place MELLO.