Major what?

I bought a once ridden board off Craigslist. They guy I bought it from had it shaped for him, but it turns out he was way to big for the board and only took it out once and realized it didn’t float him. I liked the shape and the price was right…His loss…my gain, right?

Wrong. When i met him to buy it, I checked it out thoroughly. It definitely looked like it had only been ridden once. I took it out on a good day and really liked the board. I put it in a board sock and took it home in the bed of my truck. This weekend, I took it out of the sock and saw immediately that half the deck started to delam. From midway to the nose, solid air pocket.

The guy who shaped it closed up shop or merged with another shaper. He was a small time local guy with a decent reputation but I believe he had a handful of glassers. At any rate, I don’t think I have any recourse going to him even if I could track him down. The seller I believe was totally unaware of the issue.

So…is it worth taking to another shaper to strip and re-glass? Or, has the damage been done? Scrap it and chalk it up to a very expensive set of fins?


A) pictures
B) your background and experience in surfboard repair
C) details of the board’s construction (type of foam and type of resin)

Craiglist used board, and it was a deal. You rode it with a ding…it got water in it… And it blew up.
Now you want your money back, you want recourse? Sorry you broke it you own it…or that’s what I’d tell you.

I never buy boards off of Craigslist. craigslist is where dog get buried.

Flat beds in pickups get hot enough to melt epoxy through a board sock.

When you get your next board you need to keep it cooler.

Not all boards are damaged quite as much as other for a bunch of reasons and variables but basically if you heat the board on metal on a hot day you have to assume it’s gonna die. If it gets hot enough it will kill any epoxy board, regardless of the skill of the shaper. Even if you degas the blank and fit a vent the epoxy can still reach its remelt point

Thanks. I never had this happen with countless other boards. I will be more careful in the future I guess.

Simply slice the delamination open along the perimeter leaving about and inch to “hinge” the fiberglass flap. Mix up some resin (epoxy works on everything) and spread it over the foam. Put wax paper over the area and a sandbag or some kind of weight to hold the flap down while the resin cures.

Thanks man…will do.

Why does that name remind me of an unlucky fisherwoman?

This is great info. Very helpful, and simple to do. I hope I remember it when I need to.