I took my new shortboard out which supposedly has 2 6oz layers on the deck. After just one good surf I stripped the wax off and and find that my deck has a good amount of pressure dings about 1/16" to 1/8" deep.Is this normal or is my deck overshaped? It’s a superblue blank as well. Whats the best combo of blank/Glass to get a tuff deck for a relativly light shortboard?
All my boards look like a golfball after 1 or 2 surfs.Granted they’re not 10 oz volan.I see guys with 4oz glass jobs with none.Must have something to do with pressing hard with your heels?
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clyde beatty glassed my boards last time.I have pounded them in heavy beach break for 2 yrs now --I can’t find a ding or a dent !! UNREAL GLASS JOBS !! I swear.In over thirty yrs the best glass work ever.
It also depends on how much material that the shaper took out of the deck of the board. The more material that is taken out, the softer the deck becomes. -Carl
Grab a tech… no deck dints no matter how hard you stomp!!! Herb’ll recommend a few dealers for you.
well, ill tell u the wrong answer for the situation… dont go buy 10 pads and sticker ur board up with them…seen guys do this and i wanna freak out…whats the point of riding a surfboard