Hey fella’s,
I’m guessing Chip you’ve got a number of answers for this question.
What have you found is the most effective way to cut in the tabs when making a fin
to fit into FCS plugs?
I’ll post some pics to of the Multi-system copy of the system from McKee Surfboards
website. Three, Four and Five fin options. I’m sure you’ve looked at website as it was
in a previous thread. If not, you’ll love it Chip. The extensive dimenssions Bruce McKee
supplies are unbelievable.
Also found the ‘new’ FCS plugs far easier to instal, and grind down. Perhaps that was just
from expereince, but they do seem more user friendly and appear as though they’d be
Thanks for any tips.
Jigsaw with a carbide blade…
Another way that I’ve found to work well, especially for the bit between the two tabs, is to drill a small hole at the corner of each angle on the tab-ie where the tab meets the base of the fin, then using a coping saw (since I don’t have a jigsaw) saw vertically down to the base of the fin along the side of the tab on both of the insides, rotate the saw and make a cut along the base of the fin to the other hole, and your center piece will fall out. The outer bits are easier, just 2 90 degree cuts and your done. Clean up the edges in the corners of the tabs with some sandpaper glued on a block with a 90 degree angle and you’re set! Easier to do than describe, hope I made it clear!